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It was a week later before Persephone had finally gone out of the apartment. She was stuck inside, too scared to go out looking like how she did. She still didn't know how to control her powers either so she didn't want to go out and be a threat to the people around her.

The boyfriends would leave for a few hours for patrol but then return to see her either asleep or trying to figure out her powers. It was usually the latter. Persephone couldn't sleep if it was not with one or both of them. Her mind would go back to her nightmares of Flash, the men in the alley, the month she spent tied down.

Whenever the two would go out, Persephone would try to figure out what else she could do. She found out that whichever form she thought of or with whatever she could touch and concentrate on, she could take its form. That's why she had been on fire and that's how she had been able to turn invisible.

She had touched the brass handle of a doorknob and concentrated on it and sure enough, she had turned into it.

With the shapeshifting, Persephone had also been able to turn into Wade and her aunt.

The small teenager had managed to turn into Michelle as well and that had pained her. She missed her best friend dearly and looking at the dark skinned girl in the mirror rubbed salt in the wound.

She then turned into Flash Thompson and anger blazed through her. The voices in her head spoke to her, telling her about the option she had. She felt that it was a right enough time to follow through with it.

Wade and Peter went out with her when she had told both boys that she wanted to go out shopping to get her back outside. They wanted to support her and also look after her. They both had gotten so overprotective of her because of what had happened. Even though she hadn't told them anything yet, they knew whatever happened had traumatized her and they wanted to protect her from anything that came her way.

In Wade's apartment, Persephone had been able to find a bra and lace panties (she didn't want to question it but the merc had only winked at her and told her that it was 'their little secret' since Peter knew nothing about them.) The small teenager had grabbed one of Wade's black hoodies, the hoodie reaching a few inches over her knees with how big the man was compared to her. Her brother was kind enough to grab her a pair of shoes and an outfit from their home. She had just picked to wear the white converse that he brought her and the pair of black leggings that had also come. She had also managed to grab a pair of sunglasses that she thought that she had stolen so amazingly (as if she were in a James Bond movie) but the older man had been watching her from the kitchen, a soft smile on his face.

Wade had wanted to go in full suit but the twins urged him not to. They didn't want to be caught up in the attention of the man having to be searched for all of his weapons. That would have been so embarrassing. The man had ended up putting on a hoodie of his and some sweatpants, complaining about how he didn't look as sexy as he usually did.

The three had taken a taxi and arrived at the mall half an hour later. Wade and Peter held hands while Persephone led them inside.

She looked at all the people from behind the sunglasses that she had taken and from under her large hoodie. With the hood on, she was happily walking through the mall, not being able to attract any attention to herself.

Wade and Persephone walked into a sex store that the merc was dying to go to. Peter was far too embarrassed by that and had opted for waiting for them outside. Persephone had only laughed while Wade took her hand and led her inside, complaining about how his boyfriend was too much of a killjoy.

Persephone laced her fingers in the hand that Wade was holding hers in as she looked around the store with wide eyes. She had never walked into any store like this before in her life and the sight of the different toys and objects around made her so uncomfortable. She should have stayed outside with her brother but she liked seeing Wade happy. She couldn't just abandon him there.

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