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"Hey, you dork. Hey, May. It's great to see you. I haven't seen you in so long. I was wondering where you ran off to."

Peter laughed," Nowhere important. Just busy trying to find a job to help May out a little bit around here."

"He's too much of a sweetheart to let me work on my own." May responded

Peter had gone to open the door with May for who Persephone didn't have to guess was Michelle. Wade, on the other hand, went over to the younger girl and pulled her into his arms to reassure her that he was there for her.

"You really gotta stop hiding yourself, Pearl." The man told her

"Speak for yourself, dickhead." Persephone muttered, pushing him off of her

Wade rolled his eyes as he walked towards her until her back hit the kitchen counter and his face was a few inches from hers," I meant from her. You're so whipped."

"I'm not. I don't even know what you mean." The girl said, crossing her arms over her chest," Anyway, this reinforces my point. How long did it take for you to open yourself up to Pete? Don't even talk about me."


Persephone looked away from Wade and over to the hallway where Michelle emerged with Peter and May behind her.

Michelle stared at her with wide eyes before turning her eyes to the man that was way too close for the dark skinned girl's liking. She didn't even care for the scars all over him. Her mind was too preoccupied on her best friend.

The girl blushed and moved away from Wade, turning her eyes away from the dark skinned girl and to the ground. That was.. embarrassing.

"Who might this be?" Michelle asked through gritted teeth

"My boyfriend." Peter smiled

"Wade Wilson, gorgeous." The merc gave her a sly smirk with a wink

Persephone only rolled her eyes at the man and elbowed him in the gut," How about you go and flirt with your own boyfriend?"

"My pleasure." Wade wheezed as he reached over for Peter's hand

The smaller boy only rolled his eyes and pulled him into the living room so that they could both sit down and watch the television.

Michelle kept her gaze on Persephone as the two boys left. In a haste, the smaller girl rushed out that she was going to go relax for a bit and then turned to go to her old bedroom that she had shared with her brother.

We're such wimps.

Speak for yourself. I would have went up and-

Stop lying to yourself. You're a wimp too. Admit it.

"What am I doing?" Persephone sighed, sitting down on her bunk and putting her head in her hands

"Hey, Pearl."

The girl looked up to watch Michelle as she walked in and closed the door behind her. God, she was as beautiful as ever. Persephone always wondered why she had never dated anyone. She was just like a walking goddess.

"Didn't really expect you to be back here." Michelle noted as she walked further inside

"I wanted to see May. It had been a while since I last had." Persephone murmured, looking away from the girl

"It's nice to see you like this again, Pers. The last time I saw you.. with that whole get-up.. it wasn't like you." The dark skinned girl shook her head, taking a seat beside the smaller girl," I can't deny that you looked gorgeous then, though."

Persephone blushed madly, trying to distract herself by playing with the fabric of her clothes. Did Michelle just call her 'gorgeous'?

"Pearl, I-"

"Are you really moving?" Persephone asked her

Michelle smiled softly," I'll only be two hours away. I gotta go take care of my auntie. She's got nobody else and, it's the least I could do; she's my family."

"How're you gonna find a job?" The smaller girl asked, her eyes looking up at her friend

"She's got a bookstore and you know I love my books. She's putting me in charge of it so, I can't let her down. I'm all she's got."

"You're all I've got." Persephone said dejectedly, lowering her eyes back to the ends of her sweater

Michelle smiled sympathetically, reaching over to grab her friend's hand and lacing their fingers together," You've got your family, Pearl. You've got more than enough. Anyway, you won't be losing me. I'll just be a phone call away or, a two hour drive away."

"It just seems like I'm losing you." The pale girl mumbled

"You're being too dramatic for your own good, Pers. I'll always be here for you."

Persephone nodded slowly, smiling apologetically. She was overreacting. It wasn't as if her best friend was moving across the world. It was only 2 hours away.

"Pearl," The girl perked up when she heard her name being said," I won't ever truly know what is going on with you but, just know, that I'll always listen. You are one of the most important things in my life."

Persephone bit the inside of her cheek, not knowing what to say. Her friend seemed genuine. To be fair, when didn't Michelle seem genuine with her? Her best friend always told her the truth. She couldn't ever betray Persephone.


"Dinner's ready, darlings!" Called May from the kitchen

Michelle let out a sigh, as if she had been expecting something else, before smiling over at Persephone," Guess we better go, then."

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