Chapter 2

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Mrs. Gilbert woke up in the morning from the little sound which came from the room of her granddaughter.

She taught her daughter has come home. So she got up from the bed and put on a sweater before she went out from her room. The little sound stopped as she walked to the kitchen. She took out some bread and ham to make sandwiches and milk from the refrigerator. She put everything on the kitchen table and turned to go to her granddaughter's room.
But she suddenly stopped because she felt like someone's watching her. She looked back but there was no one in the house. She heard someone's walking in the kitchen.

"Elena! Is that you?" she asked loudly.

She walked to the kitchen slowly because no one answered.

There was no one in the kitchen also. But she felt a cold breeze touching her skin smoothly. Then she heard some one's whispering to her ear.

"Mom..." it sounded like Elena.
"Elena, is that you?" Mrs. Gilbert asked.
"Mom listen to me. I won't come home. Please protect Rose." She said.
"What do you mean Elena? Why are you whispering?" Mrs. Gilbert asked.

"If I talk loudly she will hear me and come after our rose." Elena said.

""who? Who is coming after our Rose?" Mrs. Gilbert asked. Her voice was shaking.

"I have no time to explain. There's an envelope on your bedside table and read it. After that you should sell our shop and go somewhere far away from here. Please mom, we have to do this to protect her. But remember she shouldn't know any of this. Tell her that her mom died in a car crash." She whispered again.

"What? Where are you Elena? Why can't I see you?" Mrs. Gilbert asked. Her heart was beating fast.

"You can't see me mom. I'm with rose's dad. Tell her that we love her. It's time to go mom. I love you and Rose. Please go far away from here within a week." Said Elena.

"Elena, Elena, does that mean that you are d...?" she couldn't complete the word. Her heart sank and she couldn't stand it anymore. She kneeled on the floor because she felt like she's going to faint on the floor.

"Elena please talk to me. Where are you my child?" she talked again. But no one answered and she couldn't feel the coldness anymore.

"Elena!" she screamed but Elena was gone even without a trace.

She hid her face in her hands and cried silently for a few minutes. But she suddenly remembered Elena's words. She stood up from the wooden floor and ran into her bedroom. She was shocked to see a yellow color envelope on her bedside table. She was so sure that it wasn't there when she woke up that morning.

She walked to it slowly and opened the envelope with her shaking hands. A bunch of papers fell on her lap and inside it, there was a bank passbook with some papers. She opened the papers and read it. She was staring down at the paper when she heard the scream of her grand daughter.

She forgot everything and ran into her grand daughter's room. She opened the room and Rose wasn't in her room. Mrs. Gilbert feels like she's going to have a heart attack. But suddenly she heard a little sound under the bed. She looked under the bed and saw Rose was hiding there.

" Rose , darling why are you hiding?" she asked trying to sound normal.

"Grandma, is that really you?" she asked in a little voice.

" yes, come to me Rose." Mrs. Gilbert said and Rose came out and hugged her grandma.

"I know she's dead." Rose whispered.

"What? Wh... what did you say Rose?" Mrs. Gilbert's voice was trembling.

"Mom is dead. Right?" she asked again.

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