Chapter 7

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Bruce saw Paige and Jayden laughing and playing with each other. He missed those moments with her but he wasn’t jealous. He was happy because his friend was happy. But he couldn’t face Jayden. He had this little fear to those lacrosse guys from the childhood. Every time he saw a lacrosse stick, he remembered the first day he went to lacrosse practice with his mom as a kid. He was at the goal and the ball came directly at his face. The ball hit him on his face and he fell on the ground with a bleeding nose. Boys started to laugh at him and he saw Jayden looking down at him sadly. His mother came running to him crying and he was taken to the hospital immediately and the doctors said there’s nothing to be afraid of. But after that he was afraid of doing any kind of outdoor games and he was more concentrated on books, computers and swimming. When he saw Jayden with Paige he was afraid of going there because he didn’t want his pity looks anymore. So, she managed to escape every time using his ICT competition as an excuse.

          Bruce sighed after remembering everything that he was trying to forget. She went back in to the school to find Mr. Wilson their ICT teacher. The lesson was about his most interesting part of networking and he almost forgot everything about his childhood fears. Mr. Wilson let him go after three more hours working and it was getting dark outside. He tiredly walked to his ash color BMW and opened the front door. He drove home listening to some maroon 5 music. He was almost home when Paige was calling him. He answered the call hoping to hear Paige’s cheerful voice. But all he could here was the words oh my god and the sound of her screaming.

          Bruce suddenly turned the car and drove back as fast as he could. He was near her home and he heard her screaming and crying. He opened the door and ran into the house yelling her name.

Inside the house, everything was dark. He couldn’t hear her crying now. He felt the unusual coldness in the air and the silence of death. But he managed to find a switch to turn on the lights. The coldness suddenly went away with lights switching on. Everything was a mess. There was broken chairs and ripped curtains everywhere. He was afraid to see what was in front of him.

“Paige” he called her. But he heard nothing except silence.

“Paige, are you alright?” he asked again. Again no one answered. He walked another two feet into the house and then he saw her.  She was on the floor covered with blood. He kneeled beside her and checked her pulse. He barely felt the pulsing and blood running through her veins. Bruce carefully picked her up and ran to his car. It was hard to put her inside. He was afraid that it could break another bone. He drove to the hospital as fast as he can. The nurses came running and everybody was busy with taking Paige inside the hospital.

         As the nurses took her inside Bruce was feeling dizzy. His head was spinning and he held on to the hospital was. He began to hyperventilate and breathe heavily and barely saw someone in a nurses’ uniform came running to him.

       Bruce wake up on a hospital room and he saw his mother sitting next to him.

“Mom” he said slowly.

“Oh thank god” his mother took his hand and kissed it.

“What happened?” he asked.

“What do you remember?” his mother asked.

“I found Paige lying on the floor and I took her here. OH MY GOD! Where is she?” he asked getting up from the bed.
“No Honey you just had a panic attack and a meltdown. You can’t walk there like that.” His mother tried to stop him.

“No mom. I’m not a baby anymore stop treating me as a little baby. I’m seventeen now and I can manage things alone.” He said angrily and ran to the front desk of the hospital.

“Can you tell me where the girl I bought to the hospital today is?” he asked from the nurse.

“Well let me check.” The nurse checked the book in front of her and answered in seconds.

“No one didn’t take an injured girl today.” She said.

“What? Can you check the book again?” he said again. 
The nurse looked at the book again but suddenly looked at him again like she remembered something.

“You mean Paige Gilbert. Right?” the nurse asked.

“Yeah. That’s her.” He said jumping.

“But that was two days ago. If I’m not wrong you are the one who took her here and suddenly fell unconscious?” she asked.

“Yeah. But wait. Two days?” he questioned.

“Yes young man. You were unconscious for two days.” The nurse said smiling kindly.

Bruce couldn’t believe his ears. He was a perfect healthy person till then now suddenly being unconscious for two days made him feel nothing but fear.

“Can you tell me where she is now?” he asked again.

“She’s in the room number 33. But no one except family members can see her.” The nurse said.

Bruce thanked her and went to find room 33. He still felt dizzy but it wasn’t so hard to manage it. Finding room 33 wasn’t difficult. He was Mrs. Gilbert sitting outside the room and Alyssa beside her. Alyssa came running to him when she saw him.

“Thank god! You are okay. I was feeling like a freak because my two best friends were lying on hospital beds while I’m sitting at school like a total fool.” Alyssa said. Bruce smiled and walked to Mrs. Gilbert.

“How is she?” he asked.

“Her hand and a leg is broken. Doctors said there was no internal damages but she still doesn’t wake up.” Mrs. Gilbert said sadly.

“Everything will be okay grandma.” Alyssa sat beside her and hugged her.

Bruce saw one of his best friends lying on the bed still unconscious and wrapped in bandages.  He turned away from the sight and sat on a chair.

“Did you find who did this to her?” he asked.

“No the cops came here but they couldn’t get any statements because you two were unconscious.” Mrs. Gilbert said.

“Oh! Didn’t they find anything from the house?” he asked again.

“No they said there were no finger prints or any evidence.” Mrs. Gilbert said.

“That’s strange. Alyssa said.

“Yeah” Bruce said standing up to leave.

“I have to go now for some tests but I will come here as soon as I got discharged.” He said and turned to leave.

“Bruce” but Mrs. Gilbert called him again.

“Why grandma?” he asked.

Mrs. Gilbert walked to him slowly and took his hand.
“Thank you Bruce for saving my daughter.” She said with tears in her eyes.

Why did Bruce was unconscious for 2 days?

Did he has some secrey that he hid from everyone? 

Or does his mother hiding it from him? 

What will happen to him while paige was lying there without being aware of anything?

Wanna know answers? 

Read the next chapter and you will get the answers. 

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Shermi MK.

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