Chapter 5: Going to Haven

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Storm and Art were both yelling at the top of their lungs. Hal made a strangled noise somewhere between a cry and what someone would make on the gallows, unable to form any intelligible words. Diana, however, reacted with the speed of a ninja. She swung around, putting her hands up like she was raising the roof, and the car just stopped in midair.

That was pretty sweet. It made Hal's own powers look pretty lame in comparison, although Diana looked like she was in serious pain as she held her hands up. "Thorn!" she yelled in a choked voice. "Help!"

Vines instantly wrapped around the car, jerking it backwards. Diana collapsed beside Hal, breathing heavily. "We lost our cover," she panted.

"You can hold up cars," Hal said dumbly.

"Telekinesis," she replied. "But it hurt like crazy."

A gunshot exploded across the street, and Diana flinched. What almost seemed instinctive made Hal grimace when she put her arm over him, trying to protect him. "Di," he said. "You're my friend and all ..."


"But this is uncomfortable."

The girl blushed furiously, moving backwards as if she'd been scalded. "Oh ... yeah."

Before Hal could say anything else, running footsteps made them both look behind Diana. A man with a rifle was running at them, and he raised the gun. Diana screamed, and Hal felt his breath catch in his throat. "I've already been shot once today!" he shouted. This day was getting more and more horrible with every passing moment.

Diana shoved with her hands, but the man only staggered. Evidently, catching the car with her hands had weakened her powers and made her unable to do anything else. Hal's life literally flashed before his eyes. Not surprisingly, it wasn't very long, considering he hadn't been alive for more than sixteen years.

The gun fired. Hal watched the man as if from a dream, not even reacting, calmly waiting for death—on the outside, at least. Inside, he was panicking, struggling to find a way to survive when he could hardly move. Finally, he just decided to close his eyes and accept his fate.

Except ... nothing happened. After waiting with his eyes squeezed shut for several seconds, Hal opened one eye. The man with the rifle was lying face-down in the street, and blood was on the back of his shirt. "Wha—?"

"Eagle!" Diana pulled herself into a seated position to smile at the man. "You came ... you saved us!"

"Obviously." Art scooped Hal back up into his arms, ignoring the car that was upside down near them. "We need to go. More men are coming."

He offered Diana his hand and the girl accepted it, letting him pull her to her feet. She leaned on him as he took her to the van, opening the back doors for them both. Once Diana was inside, she helped Art get Hal in and comfortable.

Up front, Storm sat in the passenger seat. "We've got five minutes until this situation goes critical," she said. "Art, get your rear in gear and get up here, now."

"You realize those three things rhymed, right?" Art asked as he hurried around the side of the car, climbing into the driver's seat. The van started with a low rumble and shot away from the curb. Art's laughter echoed to the back of the van. "Hold on, kiddos! This could get bumpy!"

Diana gripped what Hal's father called the "granny-handle" next to the doors. The van sped off, Art driving like a maniac, and Hal noticed Diana's face was turning a chalky white. "You okay?" he asked.

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