Chapter 9: Ivy

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True to Brick's word, the dorm room they shared was just the two of them. The walls were thick and soundproof, painted a dull tan color. The room itself was larger than a normal dorm room, big enough for two beds, two wardrobes, and two tables between the beds. It was large enough to not feel cramped even with the furniture. The best part was far and away the big TV on the wall.

Digging in his wardrobe, Brick produced some video games and plugged them in. "Shall we play?" he said with a sly grin. "There's time for sleeping later."

Hal grinned back at him. "I'm warning you, I didn't have many friends. I've played a lot of video games in my life."

"Then you'll be more of a challenge to me than Silence," he replied. He extended a controller to Hal and the two boys proceeded to sit on their beds and play video games, shooting each other in their game.

. . . . . . . . . .

Silence and Diana's room was identical to the boys, right down to the TV. However, Diana preferred to sit on her bed and read a book, a decision that didn't seem to sit well with the talkative Silence. "Do you like it here?" she asked, laying on her stomach and facing Diana.

Diana closed her book and smiled at Silence. "I don't know. I haven't been here for long enough. But I'm enjoying myself so far."

"What do you do?" Silence questioned.

"I read minds and lift objects with my mind. I can also project messages into people's heads," she explained.

Silence's eyes widened considerably. "Oh, that's cool!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. "Can I see?"

Although Diana really just wanted to relax, she gave in and rested her book on her bed. Then she focused on it and lifted it up off the bed. It wasn't very difficult and didn't require much concentration. "See?" she said.

Silence's mouth was open with awe. "That's a-mazing!" she said. "I wish I could do that."

Diana shrugged, lowering it back down again. "It's not that amazing," she answered with a shrug. "There are minuses. Like when I can hear what people are thinking about me. Some of it's not very nice." And when you can see the future in all its gory wonder. She shuddered a little.

Silence mirrored Diana's shrug. "Still, no superpowers are completely awesome, am I right?"

"Being able to silence somebody seems to be," Diana put forward quietly.

"Oh, well ..." Silence looked a little uncomfortable. "I've had to practice a lot. I may or may not have accidentally blinded me brother for most of our childhood ..."

Diana looked down hastily. "I'm sorry. It seems like we all have our own problems. I shouldn't have suggested that you didn't."

Silence hopped up and shrugged again. "Don't worry about it, Delphi. It's no big deal. I'm not sensitive or anything, and Brick forgave me eventually." She wandered over to the massive window and looked out. "Hey, look!" She pointed.

Diana got out of bed and joined her roommate at the window. A large group of people were moving slowly towards The School. "What's going on?" Diana asked, turning to Silence curiously.

Silence, for her part, looked excited. She grabbed Diana's arm and dragged her to the door. "Only the chance to see the biggest criminal in all of Haven! Come on!"

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