Chapter 18: Suspicions

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Hal and Brick had only just managed to make their way into the cafeteria when Brick spotted guards searching the large number of students. "They're looking for us," Brick hissed.

Hal shoved him towards the trash can seats, and the two of them grabbed some food before hurrying over there. Once they were seated with Brick next to Hal, blocking him from the others' sight, Hal reached over and found the needle that Art had told him would be there. "Got it," he hissed to Brick, keeping the cap over it and sliding it under his sweatshirt, into the pocket of his T-shirt.

Brick sidled over, chewing on some bacon. His eyes kept flicking to the guards who had not yet seen them, but were obviously making their way towards them. "Look upset," Hal hissed at him. "Your sister got arrested. Demand answers, like why she's been put in that situation. Seem clueless."

Brick nodded. "You're right. Thanks."

Hal had to wonder how good Brick would be at this secret-agent-ish business. If he couldn't pull off a convincing act, they were as good as caught, and they wouldn't even get close enough to Diana to inject her with whatever it was they were supposed to inject her with.

The four guards reached their table. Hal looked up at them, but Brick looked furious, stabbing his fork into his fried egg and sending yolk splattering across his plate. One of the guards' eyebrows shot up. "Phoenix," one of the others said. "Brick. You have been summoned to a meeting with Guardian. You will come with us immediately."

Brick's face turned a bright red. "Come with you? Why?" he demanded, snapping his plastic fork beneath his grip. "So you can arrest us like you arrested my sister?"

"Your sister is guilty," the same man said. "She confessed and will suffer the consequences."

"Isn't confessing supposed to lighten the sentence?" Hal asked. "Not just further cement it?"

"She released a known criminal to the public," the man insisted. "And admitted it. That has cemented it enough, in our eyes."

Brick let out a laugh that sounded vaguely hysterical. "A known criminal? Eagle?" he said. "Since when was Eagle a criminal?"

"In case you didn't know," the guard snapped, his patience running thin, "Eagle began his career as a criminal. He went by a different name, but the same man. Our esteemed leader gave Eagle a second chance, and he repays him by betraying Haven. That, in my opinion, is a criminal."

Hal kicked Brick's foot under the table. Although he was doing a good job, Hal didn't exactly want to make the guard hate them. "I didn't know," Hal said, and that was true. He hadn't known of Art's background. A criminal? Since when? He made a mental note to interrogate the Brendans about numerous things at a later date—when things weren't quite so chaotic. When Silence was safe.

Brick looked as if he was swallowing his namesake and didn't say anything. Hal hated being the center of attention like this, particularly when there was so much at stake, but he had to. "We'll go with you. C'mon, Brick."

His friend reluctantly stood, casting a glare at the soldier who'd claimed that Art was a common criminal. The two boys trailed after the four guards, who didn't seem too concerned that they were going anywhere. Hal was sure he heard one of them whisper something about "just a kid", and assumed they didn't think Hal could possibly have been the one who'd cost so many lives the previous night.

The duo was driven from the School to Guardian's office building. It was an incredibly awkward car ride, the silence only broken when they finally arrived. The guards let the boys out of the black, shady-looking van, and Hal was relieved to see Diana standing outside. That would make it a lot easier, rather than having to poke her right in front of Guardian. That would just be awkward.

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