Chapter 6: Safe Haven

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"It's okay, kiddos," Art said as the water covered the entirety of the van. "I've done this a million times."

"Drown?!" Hal exclaimed in sheer panic.

"You can only drown once, Hal," Art said. "Honestly. Don't panic."

"I'm panicking," Hal said. "We're under water."

"The car has an oxygen field," Art explained patiently. "Even the part that was shattered by the bullets. The water can't get in here, and we've got plenty of oxygen to take us back to Haven. In the meantime ..." He dug into his pocket and tossed Hal a cellphone as they started driving through the water. "Call your parents. They need to know what's going on with you, kid."

"But ..." Hal stared at the phone. "What do I tell them?"

"The truth," Storm said quietly. "They're your parents. They deserve to know. And think about their concern when they see the news on your street."

"They'll think I'm a monster," he whispered.

"Nah," Art said. "Don't be so melodramatic. They're your family, kid. You could tell them you were a mass murderer and they'd still love you."

Hal wasn't so sure. His parents were so normal. They didn't like anything that interrupted the natural course of their lives, and Hal was pretty sure that the events of that day would interrupt the peace for them. However, he couldn't let them think he was dead. Reluctantly, he dialed his dad's cell and put his ear to the phone.

His dad picked up in seconds. "Hello?"

"Dad, it's me. Hal."

He could hear the relief in his dad's voice. "Hal! You're alright!" Then, in an aside, "Val, he's safe. He's alive."

"It was me, Dad," Hal said, unexpectedly tearing up. "I ... I have powers."

"I know, son."

The response took Hal by surprise. He glanced up, seeing Diana very carefully avoiding his eyes. Storm and Art were conversing in low tones in the front, probably to not eavesdrop. "You ... you knew?" Hal said dumbly.

"Yes." His father sounded defeated. "I wish we could've spared you this. What will you do now?"

"I'm going to Haven. It's supposed to be a safe place for people like me."

"Do what you think is right," Hal's mother yelled from somewhere nearby the phone. "We love you, Hal."

"I want to stay home, Dad," Hal told his father. "But I can't. My powers are uncontrollable without help."

"We'll miss you," his dad said. "Stay in touch. I'm sure that's alright with the Haven guys. And ... Hal? Tell Storm everything's going to be okay. Goodbye, my boy."

"Dad?" Hal was bemused by his father's parting words. "Dad!" But his father had already hung up. Totally confused, he hung up as well and laid the phone on the floor.

"Well?" Diana said.

"They ... they knew what I was. What I am," Hal said. "They said ... Storm, they said everything was going to be okay."

Storm shifted uncomfortably in the front seat. "You should rest, Hal. Today probably took a lot out of you."

Hal laid back, his stomach aching, his mind running. "I don't think I'm ever gonna fall asleep," he said. "Everything just keeps running through my head."

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