Chapter 3: I'm Not Staying

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Your head hurt. It hurt insanely bad.

Feeling as if a blow horn managed to slash itself to the sides of your temple, the very act of opening your lashes and letting light hit your pupils caused your mind to scream within your skull. Your brain cells were doing inner flips the minute you blinked rapidly and sat up, throbbing, aching, and clashing within the walls of your hair.

When you came to, all you saw were the same sets of eyes that had freaked when spotting you in the tinted car earlier. Now, before you, they held different faces. Many were far away from you. You could make out a few bored and lazy faces that stood by the door, leaning their backs cockily in attempts to be intimidating (Jimin, Yoongi). Then, there were the rest of them, all standing and sitting on different parts of a twin-sized bed you were placed on. The beautiful man closest to you was the one that caught your eyes.

He was also the one that held the most caring, scared, and curious look in his eyes when staring at you wake. It was Namjoon.

"You're up," Jin breathed out from the opposite end of the bed. His eyes were gleaming when staring at you wiggling your thumbs at your temples. You were trying to hard to break out of your aweing delusions as you resurfaced and started to talk again.

You were weak as you spoke. "What happened? W-Where am I?" You glanced around the small room. It was slightly messy, along with a certain boy-ish scent that raged off the clothing by the corners of the room.

You watched the younger boy, around your age, flush as he laughed. "This would be my room," Taehyung started, opening his hands out for you to look around again, "I didn't find time to clean it up this week."

"I've been nagging for him to do so since we came back from Japan," Jin piped, glaring over at the boy before instantly looking back at you with a smile. You tried not to shrivel back into the pillow your bare butt sat on over how much that creeped you out.

Taehyung chuckled nervously before taking the attention off him and back on you. "But uh, you feeling better?"

Your jaw loosely clenched. Tightening the robe onto your form, you looked over at one of the boys. This boy. This fucking boy was checking you out past your discomfort of his roaming eyes. And it wasn't a perverted gaze, it was a testing gaze. As if you were some animal in a cage expected to do some tricks. You sneered a little in his direction and all the boys shifted back nervously, knowing you were starting to get defensive.

"What you lookin' at?" you snapped.

Jungkook swallowed lightly before trying to find a way to smile again. He was going red as he got off the bed and joined Jimin and Yoongi quickly by the door. "N-Nothing."

You looked at everyone again. Scared, practically naked, and weak, you didn't trust anyone when it came to being alone on a stranger's bed with 7 bodies that could easily overpower yours.

"We helped you and brought you here," Yoongi lazily let out, "The least you can do is calm down enough for Namjoon here, he said he wanted to talk to you."

Your eyes moved towards Namjoon who held no expression other than the one you had witnessed the moment you woke up. Shifting away from him, you noticed that Taehyung noticed the minute he grabbed at Namjoon's shoulder and told him to give you some space to breathe.

"...This USB," Jimin piped, eyeing you down suspiciously, "What was that about?"

Namjoon stood from the bed. Awkwardly staring over at Hoseok who seemed to be quietly watching the whole thing unfold, the leader knew the dancer was starting to question it as well. Being the only other member that knew something about this mysterious USB, Namjoon knew Hoseok would start asking questions. That was the last thing he wanted. He didn't want the other members to know about any of this mess.

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