Chapter 19: Morning Cuddles

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The sun hit your eyes. Refreshed is what you felt after crying buckets into the fabrics that smelt like a mixture of your hair and Namjoon's skin. Having not thought of anything other than happiness for Kennah and wherever he was as of now, you felt lifted, light, and weightless. Like him and his body as it disappeared away from you, you felt free.

Free from your own mind.

Free from your own weight, nightmares, terror, and fright. You hadn't felt this way about yourself and your life in a long while. You felt like...well, you again. And for the first time since you were born, you somewhat understood what that even meant.

"You done stealing my bed?"

You rolled your eyes. But that smile on your lips was amazingly large as you shuffled onto your other side, purposely moving the bed underneath so it could creak. Giggling, your scolding eyes glared in playfulness at the body that had tiredly gotten up from the couch in the living room, and now on the pillow next to you. In the morning, he came to kick you up, out and awake, so he could find some sleep himself.

You hadn't moved however. Smiling to yourself, you freed yourself from burdening the thought of Kennah, or feeling terrible, as you let yourself lay in the same bed as the man that held you and helped you to such freedom you experienced. It was partially due to his kindness, his character, and how overly caring he was for others well being. As a leader, you expected that from him. But seeing this reaction to you and your troubles was what caught you, captured you, and didn't let you deny his charm.

Namjoon lay with his eyes tiredly shut next to you. He held a smile, almost seeing you glaring through his closed eyelids. "Out out," he mumbled and you glared harder. Your cheerfulness only growing.


"Yes. I need to sleep. Crashing on the couch is starting to hurt my spine," Namjoon hummed as he exaggeratedly rubbed underneath his torso. His face scrunched and you giggled at him being over-the-top.

"Well then sleep. What am I saying? Nothing at all."

"I can practically hear your eyes staring."

You rolled your eyes. "That's impossible."

"Not for me it isn't, I'm a genius."

"Being a genius doesn't give you superpowers my friend," you chirped, amused by him playing around, "closed eyes don't allow you to hear what other people's eyes are doing."

"You're staring, aren't you?" Namjoon tested, amused as well.

You lied. "No."

He grinned, his dimple making its appearance causing your heart to flutter.

Your voice was soft, smile fading into a warmer one as you stared at that dimple, his cheek, his neck, and the way his hair whipped and framed his bed-head-mess of a skull. Everything about him screamed exhaustion, but there was an underlining attractiveness in the way he presented himself even while sleeping. Namjoon was beautiful almost all the time you laid eyes on him; whether that was since you clearly fell for him or not, biases or no biases, he was an aesthetic and there was no denying that.

"Okay...maybe I was a little."

His eyes peeked open as you finished that. Chuckling, he turned to his side so he could face you.

You panicked a little as he did. Namjoon turned to fast, causing the pillow he was on to scout closer towards you. As if it were natural, his breath hit your cheek, and even past the morning breath, the warmth of an alive human was enough to make your cheeks blush and lips part open. Heart raging in your chest at him too close, Namjoon didn't seem to care as he snuggled into the pillow and let his knees tap over yours that were under the blanket.

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