Chapter 4: The Next One

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You slept a lot.

Originally, you had made it a plan to run out on the boys in the middle of the night. But you didn't. Instead, you crashed in Taehyung's room the minute Namjoon had dramatically left your side. Laying your head on his bed, you went into a deep, tired, and exhausted slumber.

This time, you hadn't woken up screaming or sweating. You had safely slept. The refreshing disaster that consumed you was numbing and long overdue. This dealing with peaceful slumber was something you hadn't felt for the longest time. The last time you could remember was the mornings you would wake up in Kennah's arms. That was when you had felt the safest.

Now, you didn't know how to feel safe.

Groggy and tired, you moved to sit up on the bed you hadn't gotten out from in the last 18 hours. Weak and hungry beyond your will, you allowed for your elbows to prop up.

"Fuck, I have to get out of here," you mumbled to yourself.

"No, you don't."

Your jaw clenched, eyes as daggers when looking over at Kennah who was smiling and laying down next to you suddenly. Blinking and trying to rub at your eyes, he didn't disappear and you groaned frustrated before laying back down next to him.

"How long were you there for?"

He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. "Zero number of seconds. I'm not real babe."

You sighed, staring up at the white ceiling. Eyelids heavy, you didn't know how to talk as it took so much energy to do even that. You couldn't move. You wanted to, but you couldn't.


"You planning on getting up any time soon?" he asked, moving his hand over your stomach. You felt nothing from his touch, but imagined you did as you slightly parted your robe, exposing a little of your stomach. "You need to rob them of whatever they got in their refrigerator."

You nodded. "I need to get what I can and run."

"I didn't literally mean rob," he laughed, moving his arm away.

You licked your lips, angry at nothing as you tiredly fought, "why did you have to die and leave me back with this mess?" It was a whine.

Kennah smiled at your child-like expression. You could sense his smile and that simply made you whine more. You were tired of the running, tired of the fighting. "It should've been me. You were meant to stay alive."

"I chose to take pictures of an idol group and drag you with me," Kennah said lowly, "What happened to me was on me. You didn't deserve dying that way, I did."

You blinked.

You could feel his hollowing eyes watch you blink.

"Why did you run? Why steal the USB?"

The dead boy smiled. "You know why."

You did. "You felt bad, yada yada whatever. They're rich idols and we were broke nobodies. They would've gotten over the scandals. You didn't have to die."

"I realized that getting money from other peoples suffering isn't worth it," Kennah piped, shrugging, "...and the minute my mom to figure out-" he was grinning again, dramatic as he sighed, "I would've died a different way."

You tried not to smile at that.

Groaning as you tried to get up all over again, you couldn't. Letting the pillow eat your cheeks in comfort, you pursed your lips from crying. But you were too tired to even do that! Your eyes, and heart had run dry. No more crying for you any time soon.

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