Chapter 21: 69TH DAY

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A/N: Last chapter! It's unedited so I apologize! But enjoy and know that I'm highly thankful of this ride and journey presented during writing this book. I'm genuinely happy to have ended it. it's a short story but that's what I was hoping for. Truly one of my favourites <3 Thank you for reading and supporting! Means a lot my lovelies. 'til next time, Ravs X

(a short epilogue will be out soon)


You had trouble adjusting on your feet once woken. Namjoon wasn't in the bed where you lay, naked, and blanket up to your chest. Hair a mess, you took in a breath, cheeks warm, and heart tired from hammering while wobbling over to the bathroom to freshen up from all that had happened.

You were smiling gently in the shower, while getting dressed and ready for the day, and once you were out in the quiet dorm eating by yourself. The boys were gone to prepare for the morning and you knew of it. You didn't message Namjoon because of that fact – the last you wanted was to be a distraction. But as you ate cereal and fidgeted with your phone, it dinged and Namjoon was the one to message you instantly. Your eyes softened when spotting the message, cheeks hurting from the constant smiles.

For when you wake, I hope you slept well. :)
- Kim Namjoon

Puckering at your lips, your side teeth nibbled the inner flesh of your cheek. Thumbs twirling before dropping your spoon onto the sides of the bowl, you made sure it didn't fall into your milk while texting back. Chirpy and your day brightened, you responded, Out like a light. Wishing him a good morning and teasing him for barely letting you sleep most of the night, Namjoon ended it off with having your embarrassed.

You walking alright? 😏
- Kim Namjoon

You lost it at that. Telling him to get to work, it was obvious he was amused and laughing from the way he constantly sent emojis your direction. Flustered and wanting to finish the rest of your cereal, he exited with a cute smile and message that you shut your phone off after.

Be safe, can't wait to see you again today.❤️
- Kim Namjoon

Nibbling harder at your cheek, you smiled and placed your phone away so you wouldn't distract him further. Today was too much of a tricky day to be handling anything with happiness and joy, but you couldn't help but feel what you felt. Not even Aoroma could ruin what this morning held for you and Namjoon. Last night was about the two of you, and you would remember it for the rest of your life.

As you finished your bowl, slurping up most the milk, you almost snorted the rest and spit back when the door was pounded on. Eerie and slightly anxious over who it might be, you sat, quiet as a mouse. It wasn't until you heard a familiar voice from the driver and guards that had taken you out the previous day where you relaxed.

"What's the hurry?" you chuckled, seeing as they didn't seem to be as cheery as the day earlier.

The driver spoke. "We're here to pick you up for the concert ma'am."

You grinned at them calling you 'ma'am', laughing about it, you screeched out a loudly and let them know you were hurrying. Rushing to grab your jacket, your belongings and your physical form towards the door, it was hard from how much of an ache you felt all around your body. Your legs caved in on themselves and you had to get used to it as you came face-to-face with the men that waited for you outside.

Glad that it was a car you were going to be driven in, walking and your personal issues were thrown into the back of your head when you tasted the fresh air on the tip of your tongue while speaking. Today there was much more than just you to worry about. Today was the day where Aoroma would be caught, a day where you would finally be freed from your past.

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