Everything starts from here

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Hey guys!I hope you'll like this book and will read it ^^
Jimin's POV
Hi! Im Park Jimin.I'm 17 years old and I live in Seoul,South Korea.
Many people thinks that when you are young everything will be easy.But with me isn't like that.
My life is a Living Hell.
So i live with my father who is always Drunk.
My mom left our home and us two years ago cause my father found out that she was cheating on him with his own brother.It sounds awful.I know.From then he will always get drunk and beat me.
I had two siblings.Two brothers.But they died 13 years ago when i was still a kid in a car accident.
I was really shy to make friends at school and thats why the kids always made fun of me.
They still make fun of me.
My Bullies even beat me up sometimes.
They are monsters without emotions.
Only my grades in school aren't that bad.
I've always been a good person.I never ever even hurted a fly.
I wish people can see that i'm not an Ugly Faggot!
Everyone even my family hates me.Without no Reason.
But i choosed to be strong for myself.
I even cutted a few times when i was more depressed than usual.
I don't remember to ever had a smile on my face.To be happy.
I don't know what Love is either.
I heard that when you are in love you have butterflys in your stomach.I don't like a girl for now so i don't know what it feels like. But i want to of course.
But the problem is:
Who is going to fall in love with someone like me?
Why i have to live?
What is the point in living?
I cutted myself like a hundread times but just the pain is too much!
And no one cares if i'm healthy or happy.They only thinks how to make me even more miserable than now.
Did you ever heard the phrase: "Life is Unfair."
With me definely is.
I don't know what to do from now on honestly! Can't i just die?
This question is always on my mind.I tried many times to be optimistic and to hope that everything is gonna be okay.
But my hope dies slowly.
I sometimes think why i was born.
Everyone think of me like the Fat Ugly Weirdo.
They didn't even gave me a chance to show them that i'm not that different from them.
I'm trying to treat good the other people but is hard when they treat you badly.
I just wish i wasn't born!

So i went to school like usually.I go early cause i don't want people to see me.They always talk behind my back or just bully me.
I'm a loner in school.
Everyone have friends but me.
I don't have.Sometimes its actually good to be alone but then you find out that you are alone and no one is going to help you when you are in trouble.
I always wanted a friend who i can talk to and share my troughts but i never had the chance to have one.No one wants to talk to me.
I'm sad the most of the time but i'm just trying to be strong even when it's really hard.
I got my things from my locker and started to walk to my classroom when i bumped into someone.
"Hey watch where are you going!" i said to him/her.
"Oh,im really sorry! Im new and i trought i was late!" the girl bowed to me.
"Oh,no.Im sorry! Um,here let me help you with your things!" and i helped her grab her things from the floor.
"I'm Y/N by the way." "I'm J-Jimin." i said quietly. She just giggled and said "Im glad we met each other.I just made a new friend! Yay." "We a-are friends?" i looked at her weirdly.Nobody before wanted to be my friend.
"Yeah.If you want to?" "Yes.I would love to be your friend." i smiled at her while her face it went red. "Oh,are you okay Y/N-ssi?" i touched her forehead. "Do you have a fever or anything?" "Oh,no.Its just that you are very...i mean here is very hot.And im sweating!" i just laughed and said "Okay! So what is your first class?" "I have Math Class." "Oh,me too.Let's go together?" "Sure!" i grabbed her hand and we ran to our classroom.
That was the start of my sickly Obssesion.
Hope you liked the first chapter of this book and yeah!😂👌
Bye Bye😘😘😘

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