00 : 寄生虫

912 31 4

寄生虫: parasyte


Tsukkishima Kei was exhausted.

He and his close friend Yamaguchi Tadashi walked home from Volleyball practice in silence.

"You did really well at practice today, Tsukki!" Said Yamaguchi, trying to break the ice, flashing Tsukki a warm smile.

"Tch," he said, with a scowl. Yamaguchi sighed and looked at the ground. They didn't talk the rest of the way, and they soon got to Kei's house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Tsukki!" he said, as cheerful as ever. 

"Bye," he replied in his stale tone, turning into his house and opening the door.

"I'm home," Kei whistled, sitting down and untying his gym shoes and placing them neatly in a corner.

"How was school, Kei?" His mom asked, with a gentle smile.

"The same," he answered blandly, heading up to his room," I have homework."

The tall blonde swung off his volleyball jacket and sat down in his swivel chair, and pulled on his headphones, watching the latest episode of his favorite show on his computer while doing his math homework. Tapping his pencil on the desk, he hummed along to the theme song, until it was interrupted by breaking news.

"We interrupt this program for breaking news. Officials have found 4 bodies in a vacant parking garage, seemingly emptied of their internal organs," said the news anchor on the screen, motioning to a picture on his left. Kei cringed, closing his eyes and waiting for the pictures to go away. Murders like this have been happening far more often these days, and it actually scared the usually emotionless male. A notification popped up on his phone, it was from Yamaguchi. Kei opened up his messages and looked at the screen.

Yamaguchi: Did you see the news? It's creeping me out.

Tsukkishima: Yeah. Weird.

He placed down his phone and closed the computer, not wanting to see or hear any more of the unusually disturbing news.

After finishing his math homework, Kei changed out of his school uniform and into something more comfortable, a t-shirt and some dinosaur print pajama pants.  He changed his music to something classical, to help him fall asleep. He snuggled into the sheets and waited for the music to carry him to sleep.

Kei's sleepy figure was unaware of a small blue worm-like creature, crawling on the floor, heading in his direction. It slinked up the bed and crawled inside his skin without leaving a bump or bruise, but left an unusual sensation on his skin.

Tsukki's eyes snapped open to see a glowing blue light moving up his arm and heading up to what seemed to be its final destination: his brain.

"What the hell?!" he whispered shouted, careful not to wake anyone, especially his brother. The creature was on his neck now, and Kei tried holding it in place with his hand, but it escaped his grip. Sweat formed on his forehead as he started to panic. He looked frantically around his room for something sharp, to perhaps cut it off. He resorted to having a deadly grip on his head, to prevent whatever it was from getting there.

The creature reached his brain. Tsukkishima Kei was too late. He passed out onto his bed, his heart beating abnormally slow.

The parasyte had infected his brain, taking control of his full body. Kei's face twisted into a more emotionless state than it had ever been and his eyes dimmed to an even duller shade of gold, almost as if life had left his body.

Kei- or parasyte Kei, blinked a few times and felt a throbbing pain in his head. There was some type of boundary. The parasyte had affected 80% of his brain, but it couldn't go any farther. 

There was still a little bit of Kei in him. Exhausted from overtaking the body, the parasyte fell into a deep slumber.

A blob of flesh appeared in front of Kei. It had four legs and a single eye. A pair of lips merged on his face from out of nowhere. Kei took a few steps back, thinking the creature was somewhat dangerous.

'W-Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my dream!? Give me back my body!'

'I'm afraid I won't be doing that."

'What are you?'

'A species greater than humans will ever be.'

Dream Tsukkishima tries standing up, but he feels a very great weight pushing him back down.

'You are weak, human. Although this is my first body, I have observed human nature and know how they act. You somehow blocked off the rest of your brain from me, but I've taken the rest. You are merely a faint subconscious. 

'People will notice I'm different! T-they will kill you!'

'I will use you to my advantage. I will force you to be silent while using you to help me.'

'I have no intention of helping you!'

'We will see about that later.'

The creature's mouth slowly faded back into a blob of flesh.

'Are you heartless?'

'Of course I am. I am a Parasyte.'

w: 840

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