02 : 給餌

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給餌: feeding

After his headache calmed down, Tsukkishima walked out of the shadows and stepped out onto the sidewalk, walking back home. 

"This body's blood is rushing around the head, causing me to feel discomfort. Shall I change to a different host?" Kei muttered to himself, waging his options. He headed over to a bench to try to calm down. His short blonde hair waved slightly due to the breeze as he sat looking straight ahead. A sharp pain struck Kei in the gut, causing him to clutch his stomach.

"It... it is time," he growled, standing up and walked onto the busy sidewalk, easily masking the pain on his face.

'Time for what?!' his consciousness asked in a slightly frightened tone. He ignored it as usual and continued walking. He decided to focus his gaze on a couple, who looked like they were walking to an isolated place. He looked entirely normal walking down the sidewalk, blending in with the crowd around him.

Soon enough, Kei and the couple were the only two walking down that particular sidewalk.

"Honey, I feel like I'm being watched," said the woman, shifting closer to her boyfriend. Kei slinked into the shadow of a nearby tree. The man looked back and put an arm around his girlfriend. 

"It's nothing, babe, I'm here to protect you," he said with light laughter. Kei could only scoff at what he said as he continued following the duo, staying out of their eyeshot.

They soon got to a vacant park and sat side by side, tangled in each other's arms.

'What the hell are you going to do to them?!' The voice in his head said. It was constantly hammering on, and it gave Tsukki a headache. All he had to do now was wait. Suddenly, the man stood up and got down on one knee, and the woman put her hands over her mouth.

That was when he chose to strike. The flesh in his arms became elastic, and cells where his hand was hardened, creating sharp blades. He struck quickly, slicing the man's head off cleanly, the blood splattering on the woman's face. Her face twisted as she screamed in horror, as her once soon-to-be fiance fell to the ground lifelessly. A small box tumbled out of his pocket, and the woman crumpled to the ground in fear and agony. Tsukkishima walked out into view, and the woman clutched the man's chest, her eyes shaking in fear as Kei approached her. Without a word, he struck her in the heart, making her truly heartbroken. She fell on top of her boyfriend, and they bled onto the grass below them. Tsukki's arms turned back to normal, returning to their normal size. He stared at the bodies and looked around, making sure no one was around to see. He picked up the bodies and ran as fast as he could to the nearest alley, without being seen.

'What the hell?! How could you do that? You just murdered two humans! I murdered two humans....'

Kei's clothes were splattered with blood, but since his uniform was black, it wasn't visible unless you looked very closely. You could see it on his one arm though, the arm he attacked with.

He arrived in a dark alley, and sat atop a dumpster, setting the bodies beside him. He started feeding on them, his face morphing into a horrendous pair of toothy jaws, digging into the human flesh maniacally. Soon, the two bodies were gone and digesting in Tsukki's stomach.

'How could you do that! Why don't you take over another body? You can't just do that, you monster!' Tsukki brushed off the voice and threw the scraps in the dumpster, and then stepped out onto the street, heading home on his normal route. It had been a while since he stormed out of the gym, and it was at the same time that volleyball practice ended for Karasuno High. Yamaguchi spotted Tsukki on his walk home.

"Tsukki! Are you feeling better?" he said, scampering over to the said male. Tsukki made sure to hide his bloody arm in his sleeve before Yamaguchi could notice anything.

"Better," was all he said, without a glance at Tadashi. His voice was more monotone than usual, and it genuinely worried the freckled boy.

"So.... don't you think the murders are really creepy?! We have to be extra careful," said Yamaguchi, discreetly scooting a tad bit closer to Tsukki. Kei just hummed in response, ignoring Tadashi once again.

They walked the rest of the way in silence, and they get to Kei's house. Yamaguchi waved him goodbye, but Tsukki just walked on, opening the front door.

"Kei," his mom said, rushing over to him, "you're so late! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he said, pushing past her and heading up to his room. He threw off his bloody clothes and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He didn't feel like doing his homework, so he went straight to bed.

'Why are you doing this! I need an explanation!' 

'I'm afraid I can't do that. I've already told you that I am a Parasyte. What else do you need?'

Dream Tsukkishima cowered in fear as the Parasyte in front of him was bigger than he was in the last dream.

'Your brown-haired friend and your mother are quite the nuisance. I might have to get rid of them soon.' What it just said caught his attention.

'Y-you can't! They are my l- they're very important to me! I won't allow it!'

The parasyte pondered what he said, but didn't say anything.

'I'll give you severe headaches! Anything!' Dream Tsukkishima wins this battle, but the parasyte doesn't want to give him that satisfaction.

'I suppose I'll keep them. They have valuable information. I could use them when this body gets worn out,' The parasyte says, turning away from Dream Tsukkishima, who lets out a sigh of relief. It wasn't a permanent solution but it bought them time.

'You won't win, human. Soon, my kind will be all over the earth and you will be traumatized by seeing your loved ones being killed right before your eyes.'

w: 1,031

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