10: 通過

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通過: passing

Tsukki bounded downstairs with an unusual spring in his step.

"Kei! You look... happy!" Commented his mother, her tired eyes smiling for the first time in a long time. As soon as she said that, Kei frowned.

"Yeah right," he muttered. He gulped down his breakfast and cleaned his plate. Tsukki grabbed his bag and walked over to his mother.

"See you, mom," said Kei, kissing her on the cheek and moving out the door swiftly. Mrs. Tsukkishima blinked and then smiled.

"Oh that Kei..."

Tsukki walked down the street to his school and found Yamaguchi, in the usual spot they would meet up to walk to school.

"Hello, Yamaguchi," he said, with his usual blank look. Yamaguchi looked up quickly, as if Tsukki had startled him.

"H-hey Tsukki," Yamaguchi stuttered, his face turning red. Tsukki noticed Yamaguchi's hand twitching, almost trying to get closer to his own hand. Tsukki slowly slinked his fingers into Yamaguchi's and held his smaller hand with his larger one. Yamaguchi's whole face turned red, and he couldn't stop staring at his and Tsukki's hands.

"S-so... Do you think we could hang out today? After school?" Asked Yamaguchi, still not looking Tsukki in the eye.

"Sure," replied Kei. Yamaguchi gave Tsukki a wary smile and then broke away from him.

"I'm going to be late...Bye," said Tadashi in a rushed tone, and ran off to class.

The school day went by the same for Kei, but he couldn't help but notice that Tadashi was rather quiet today. He didn't constantly chatter to Tsukki like he usually did, and he sensed more fear in him.

It was only at volleyball practice that Tsukki noticed Yamaguchi talking to someone. He and two of the third years, Asahi and Daichi, were talking in a corner in hushed voices. A new feeling enveloped Tsukki, urging him to go interrupt their conversation.

"Is something wrong?" Tsukki asked, crashing the three teen's conversation.

"What? No," said Asahi, startled.

"We were just discussing Yamaguchi's position," said Daichi, flashing Kei a smile," You two can go practice now."

"Right. Sorry sir," said Yamaguchi, grabbing a nearby volleyball and heading back onto the court.

Kei sensed that something was up, but let it go and followed after Yamaguchi. He put a hand on Tadashi's shoulder, startling him.

"Where are we 'hanging out' after school?" Asked Tsukki.

"Well... I was just thinking we could take a walk, maybe stop by some places and grab some food," replied Yamaguchi, shuffling his feet and not making any eye contact with Kei.

"Okay," said Tsukki, not really caring where they went. He just wanted to be near Yamaguchi.


Evening came, and Tsukki waited for Yamaguchi at the front of the gym. He soon stepped out, carrying his bag over one shoulder. He looked uneasy.

"Ready?" Tsukki asked, in his usual bland voice. Yamaguchi nodded, looking rushed. The pair walked off into the pink sky and into a local open-air mall.

"How about some ice cream?" asked Yamaguchi, his mouth twisting into a small smile.

"Okay," replied Tsukki, taking hold of Tadashi's hand for the second time today, giving it a little squeeze. The duo walked into the ice cream shop and sat down at a table for two. They ordered ice cream cones, strawberry for Tsukki, and chocolate for Yamaguchi. After they ate their cones, they stepped back outside into the chilled air.

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