03: 研究

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研究: research

Yamaguchi Tadashi unlocked the door with his keys, and stepped inside, kicking off his volleyball shoes.

"I'm home!" he said, even though the house was empty. Both of his parents were renowned surgeons who had to work into the night, so he often had the house to himself in the afternoon.

His first stop was the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed a box with a note taped on top. It was from his mom, saying that she wouldn't be home until tomorrow. With a sigh, he tore off the note and stuck it in his book bag, along with the other crumpled-up notes. Tadashi walked into his room and instantly flopped onto his bed. His legs ached from giving his all at practice today, in hopes of getting into the team's starting lineup for once.

The freckled male opened his laptop to type out an essay that was due soon. The home window popped up, showing various news stories about the recent freak accidents. Yamaguchi groaned and ran his hand through his hair, debating whether to check them out or not. He decided to procrastinate on his essay, clicked on the first link, and started reading.


5-6-2017 by Mizuki Chiba

26-year-old Ishiyama Katsuma and 25-year-old Yoshimura Aki never came back home after going out on a date, according to Yoshimura's mother, Yoshimura Ayumi. A search party went out to search for them after the couple didn't come back at 7:00 PM when they said they would return. 

The police went to the park the two were supposedly at, only to find a large pool of blood, and a small box containing a diamond ring. The two bodies were nowhere to be seen. The police later traced a trail of blood to a dumpster nearby, where the bodies were found. None of the organs were present, the corpses were only skin and bones. The bodies were pulled out of the dumpster and brought to a lab for further investigation.

Yamaguchi's eyes were filled with tears as he had a hand over his mouth while reading the short article. Below was a picture of the dumpster, and the two victims inside. The fact that this happened just today, so nearby, was just too surreal. A few tears escaped from his eyes as he was about to close the article, but a certain link popped out to him. It was in a bright blue square, under the whole article.

YOU could be the one to save us from these deadly creatures! CLICK HERE! 

Yamaguchi couldn't stand hearing about these murders every day, and he would love to stop them, so he really wanted to help. Then again, the link could be just clickbait and could bring him to something that would give his computer a virus. He hesitated but eventually clicked the link, changing his screen to an official government website. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and started scrolling through the site. He clicked a tab that said join today and it took him to a page to follow a series of directions.

Soon enough he became a member of the Anti-Parasyte Society, or the APS, without spending any money whatsoever. The website had told him that a spy would meet him after school tomorrow. Tadashi's new job was to figure out who was a parasyte and kill them- practically a vigilante assassin. Yamaguchi stood up and walked to his mirror and stared at his reflection. His face was stained with tears from before, and his hair was in its usual state. He walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face and gently soaked up the water with a small towel, trying to erase any traits of fear or sadness.

Grabbing a hairbrush from the bathroom, he walked back to his room and sat in front of the mirror once again. He ran the brush from his forehead to the back of his head, and his hair now looked like it was slicked back, but still a tad bit messy. Tadashi shook his head, changing his hair back to the normal style. He tucked a part back behind his ear and smiled in approval. He grabbed a suit that he had never worn from his closet and slipped it on. He posed in front of his mirror, making handguns and such. He was now an assassin, and so he figured that he had to start acting like it. He sensed a new sense of bravery in his usually soft hazel eyes

"I will be the one to kill all the parasytes," he muttered.

w: 781

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