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テスト: test

"R-really?" Tadashi whispered, his tear-glazed eyes looking up at the taller male.

"I'm sure. There was always a part of me that bugged me very much. That part of me wanted to love you unconditionally. I don't care what I need to do. I don't care what people think. I swear I am in love with you, Tadashi," said Kei, his voice just above a whisper, but still very monotone.

Tadashi's tears flowed freely now, a smile growing on his face. He choked out a teary laugh and leaned against Tsukkishima's chest. The faintest of smiles appeared for a millisecond on Kei's face, but it disappeared just as quickly. Kei took hold of Yamaguchi's head and held it away from his chest and looked him deep in the eye. Yamaguchi wrapped an arm around Kei's neck and pulled him closer so their heads touched.

Yamaguchi leaned up into him for a kiss.

It was then that their two worlds collided.

Tsukkishima was unmoving, shocked, not knowing what to do. Tadashi brought his hand up to Tsukki's head and pushed him closer to him, running his fingers through his soft blonde curls. Tadashi pulled away for air, a bright blush visible on his face in the dim lamplight.

"I- um- wow," said Tadashi, covering his face with both of his hands, attempting to cover his blush from Tsukki. Tsukki pulled Tadashi's hands away from his face and held them in his, looking him in the eye.

Entranced, Tadashi almost forgot that he had to take action with his plan. The thought appeared in his mind as fast as it disappeared earlier. A frown formed on Yamaguchi's face as soon as he remembered.

"What's wrong?" asked Tsukki, a glint of concern flashing in his eyes.

"Nothing," Yamaguchi answered quickly, pulling on a smile to hide his anxiousness.

"My parents are expecting me to be home," said Tadashi, pulling his hands out of Tsukki's. He wrapped his arms around Tsukki for a final hug.

Tadashi's hands rested on the back of Tsukki's neck, right where his back hairline ended. Slowly and stealthily, Yamaguchi pulled out a strand of hair and clutched it in his fist. He held a breath, waiting to see if Tsukki noticed anything.


"Okay. I will see you tomorrow then," said Tsukki, pulling away and walking in the direction of his home. Tadashi exhaled, waiting for Tsukki to round a corner, so he would be out of view.

Once the coast was clear, Tadashi unclenched his fist.

A strand of shiny blonde hair squirmed around for five seconds before laying limp on Yamaguchi's palm.

Fresh tears sprang to Yamaguchi's hazel orbs. He collapsed to his knees, bringing his hands to his face and dropping the squirming hair. It was almost as if he felt his heart physically crack in two.

His worst fears have come true; Tsukki was a parasyte.

Once Tadashi recollected his thoughts, he stood up wearily, walking back to his house. As soon as he turned a corner, he was faced with two dark figures looming over him. The freckled male yelped and fell backward onto the concrete. It turned out to just be Daichi and Asahi, with their friendly faces.

"What are you guys doing out here so late?"

"We could be asking the same question to you," answered Asahi, lending Yamaguchi a hand. he took it and stood back up.

"You were acting rather quiet at school today. We were worried. So we wanted to make sure you were okay for the day." explained Daichi.

"So you guys were stalking me?" asked Yamaguchi, raising an eyebrow.

"It sounds bad when you put it that way," muttered Asahi, scratching the back of his head.

"Well since you're out here...I went to the park to...To do the test on someone."

"Nicely done. What were the results?" asked Daichii, taking out a notepad and a pen, ready to jot down any notes if needed,

Yamaguchi stared at the ground, a single tear falling onto the ground, evaporating into thin air.

"The person I tested was Ke- Tsukkishima. He is a parasyte."

w: 688

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