Chapter 1

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I have no idea how to use wattpad so please bare with me while I learn. 

Chapter 1

It was my first day at sixth form. I decided to move schools as the one I was at got poor grades and I didn't actually like anyone there, so I thought I could do with a new start.

I went into the main school hall with all the other year 12's and listened to the boring speech about how well we do at this school will affect out futures.

Sitting next to me was a guy who was annoying me a lot. He kept tapping his knee and checking his phone every 5 minutes. When I had finally plucked up the courage to tell him to stop, the speech was over and we were off to our first lesson.

The first few classes were pretty dull, and every time I had gathered the courage to introduce myself to someone, they either walked off or the lesson had finished - so the whole "lets make friends" thing wasn't going very well. Hours and hours past, when finally, it was lunch. What I hadn't realized was that if you didn't run to the canteen, then you were unlikely to get a seat, let alone a table. 

As I scanned the room for somewhere to sit, I was suddenly knocked down onto the floor by another guy. My milkshake poured all over my head and my spaghetti went all down the front of my t-shirt. I heard shouts and laughter from all around me as I lie on the floor. "LOOK AT THEM ON THE FLOOR TOGETHER. GAY!"  I glanced to my right and saw the annoying boy from the hall lying next to me. I stood up, brushed myself off and offered him some help up by holding out my hand.

"Fuck off. I don't need your help." The boy said, as he pushed himself up and stormed out the canteen. Suddenly, something grabbed hold of my hand and started pulling me away from the mess in the canteen.

"Oi, what are you doing?" I asked, frustrated.

"Saving you from more embarrassment." A boy with curly hair replied. Once we were safe outside, he sat down on a bench and pulled me down next to him. "Hello, my name is PJ, and you are?"

"Phil" We shook hands.

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