Chapter 8

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The next morning I had a pounding headache and a large bruise on my thigh, back and stomach. I sighed as I put on my shirt and jeans and made my way to school while eating a piece of toast.

When I arrived in the tutor room, I stood in the doorway for a few seconds. Not only was Dan early for school, not only was he sitting at the front of the classroom, and not only was he not eating chewing gum or listening to music, he also, had a girl sat on his lap snogging his face. Fiona was her name. Long blonde hair, perfect face, thin body. She was brushing her hands through his hair as they kissed and I instantly walked back out of the classroom.

I didn't go to tutor time after that. I signed in as if I was late every morning even though I was always 10 minutes early.

Purely out of habit, I walked through the forest on my way home from school. I didn't think for a minute that Dan would be there. Rolling on the floor with Fiona. Both in their underwear. I stood there for a few seconds in shock but they were both too busy to notice me, so I went a different route home.

I couldn't seem to get out of the habit of walking back home through the forest. I had done it for the past 4 months that I'd been at the school, so it was hard to stop. Dan was there again, but this time he wasn't with Fiona, even though I had seen him holding hands with her around school the same day. This time he was snogging Natalie. Another perfect girl from my Art class. They were fully clothed and only sat there kissing, but it bothered me more than when I saw him with Fiona. I stood watching them for a minute too long as Dan made eye contact with me and without making Natalie notice a thing, he stuck his middle finger up.

Lunch and break times I spent with PJ, Chris, Gemma and Laura who had all become some of my best friends over those past few weeks.

When I walked over to the maths classroom on that Monday lunch time, my mouth flew wide open. Gemma was sat at the back of the room snogging some guy. That some guy, was Dan. Laura saw me start to back away and seemed to be the only one in the room who had heard about what had happened by the library the week before. She walked me down to the end of the corridor where I just broke down and told her everything that had happened between me and Dan, I told her that I was bi, I told her that I was confused. She smiled at me sympathetically when I'd finished and said "you know, a good way to get over someone, is to have a fling with someone else... Say, me!" She slipped her hands into the back pockets of my jeans and started kissing me. I pushed her backwards and her smile turned into a large frown.

"Look, Laura, I like you a lot! You know, it's not me, it's you. Wait, no, no no the other way round. It's just your not my type, it's not your personality, it's..." I stuttered.

"it's the way I look. Phil you are the most shallow person I've ever met." She stormed past me and back into the classroom with Chris, PJ, Dan and Gemma. I walked off knowing that I had lost them as my friends.

After a week of me going the new route home, I started seeing Dan and Gemma kissing on the wall or by my house. On the fourth time that I saw them, I confronted him. "Why, on Earth, have you started coming this way?"

"Sweetie, I live just down the road! Dan's walking me home." Said Gemma smiling.

"Oh really. So, you're not walking this way to try and get me to be jealous then Dan. You know I'm jealous! I told you I love you! I stopped coming to tutor time because of you and your girlfriends. I stopped walking through the woods because of you and your girlfriends.. I don't understand what you want me to do."

"Honey, honey. Look, calm down. Dan isn't making you jealous. I'm sorry, but he loves me, not you. I know you've made this idea in your head that you and Dan were together, but, that didn't really happen did it? You made it up. I think you need to move on, sweetie" Gemma replied looking at me with sympathy. I wanted to punch her. No. I wanted to punch him.

"If you don't tell her. Then there is no way. No way. We are ever going to be together again." I looked him in the eyes and he just looked down, so I stormed off, into my house and cried in my room.

At about 11pm that night there was a knock at the door and my mum said there was someone here for me. I crawled out of bed in my Pokemon pyjamas, rubbing my eyes as I walked down the stairs. I was suddenly awake as soon as I saw Dan at the door. His cheeks were bright red and the whole left side of his face was bruised, grazed and bleeding. His trousers were ripped and his arms were a hundred different colours from bruises. Tears were falling from his eyes but he was smiling at me. "I did it. Phil, I did it. I told her. I told them." That's all I heard before he collapsed on the floor and had to be taken to hospital.

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