Chapter 3

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I found PJ in one of the maths classrooms with 3 people I didn't recognise. There were tripods, cameras, laptops, microphones and bright lights everywhere. "Hey PJ, what are you up to?" I asked curiously.

"Phil! Hi Phil! Phil, meet Gemma, Laura and Chris. Guys, this is Phil, he's in year 12." PJ said in a rush.

"Oh, your the boy who got knocked over in the canteen at the beginning of term!" Laura giggled. I felt myself flush pink. Gemma and Laura giggled some more and then started putting camera equipment away.

"Hi Phil, I'm Chris. We've just been doing some filming for Peej's youtube channel and we're just doing some voice over stuff, so do you mind coming back a bit later?" Chris asked me walking me out the door. He didn't wait for a reply and just close the door behind me.

Youtube channel? Peej? I'm in year 12? All the things that had just happened were running through my mind. I thought PJ was in year 12. Isn't he? Peej, is that a nickname, or is PJ the nickname? He has a youtube channel? I walked around the school a few times getting my head around PJ and his friends and also what Dan had said earlier that day. Soon enough, the bell for the end of lunch went and I was off to my lessons.

When school had finished, I decided to take the long route through the woods to get home because I was still thinking about what had happened that lunch time. I saw a really large oak tree which looked like the perfect place to climb and relax in. I got halfway up it, when I suddenly heard some sniffling. I tried to ignore it and told myself it was none of my business, but curiosity got the better of me and I jumped out of the tree and followed the sound. I took about 10 steps deeper into the forest when I heard whispering and crying and more sniffling. "You are stupid, stupid, stupid. You're a coward. You are ugly. Fat and ugly." Said the whispers. I crept a few more steps forward, when I found the source of all the crying and whispering. Sat on the floor, his head in his hands, rocking back and forth, was Dan. He hadn't noticed me standing there and I could here his harsh whispers to himself even clearer now. "No one likes you. You shouldn't be here. You should disappear. No one would notice"

Out of nowhere I heard a voice say "I would notice" and it took me a minute to realise that the voice belonged to me.

Dan suddenly looked up at me. He looked petrified. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and his hair was messy and uneven. "What, the fuck, do you think you're doing here?" He whispered but, to me, he might as well have been shouting.

"I- I- I heard crying and-" I stuttered.

"You know what? I don't want to hear it." He got up and started walking away, then suddenly he turned around and walked right up to my face, "You dare say anything about this, to anyone, and I will beat you up so much you will wish you were dead." He spat at me as he said it and stormed off. I stood there for a minute. In shock. Suddenly I realised that there was something about him. Something huge. That made me worry about him. So I looked down at the ground and followed his footprints in the mud.

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