17. The best friend and the brother

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Important A/N in the end, please read!!!

This Chapter is rated PG - 13 (Make out scene)

Rydel's POV

"Ell! It's been a wonderful evening! Thank you!" I say and kiss his cheek as he drops me off at my house. He smiles and kisses me passionately. I smile into the kiss and kiss back.

Someone clear their throat behind us and we pull away. I turn around and see Riker standing by the door. I give Ellington a quick peck and go to Riker. I wave to Ellington as he drives away. I don't stop waving until he turns the corner and I can't see him anymore. I turn around to go inside, but Riker stops me.

"I know I said I'm OK with you two dating, but could you please not eat each other's faces infront of me? It's really disgusting!" he says. I shove him playfully and walk inside. He follows me inside and close the door. "I'm serious Dels!" Riker says. "It's so disgusting seeing my sister and my best friend make out!" I giggle. "Dels!" Riker put his hands on my shoulders and turn me around so that I'm facing him. "Please promise me that you'll be careful if you, like, you know, ever do... stuff..." is he having The Talk with me? I raise my eyebrow. Riker looks at his feet and his face gets a light shade of pink. It's cute how he blushes.

"I will!" I say, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off towards my bedroom. I close the door behind me and lay in the bed, thinking about my and Ellington's moment earlier. I smile and close my eyes. I slowly drift off into the land of dreams.


Ratliff's POV

"Hey man!" Rocky says as I come into my room. I jump a little and let out a girly scream.

"How did you get in here?" I ask, still holding my hand on my heart trying to control my breathing. "You scared me!" Rocky frowns and I realize how that sounded. I laugh a little and sit on the bed where Rocky is laying.

"But seriously! What are you doing here? How did you get in? You're lucky I don't have a gun, cause if I did, you would be dead by now! If I see an intruder, I shoot!" I say trying to sound like I'm from Texas. Rocky laughs and sits up.

"Your mum let me in" he says simply. "Look, I've got something for you! I bought it when you were on that date with my sis!" he hands me a pack of condoms and I give him a confused look. "Riker has a pack too. We wanted to be on the safe side! If you and Rydel would've decided to do some dirty stuff at our house, Riker would've given you his package while I was waiting here in case you decided to take her to your house. Which I would do if I were you! I mean, just think of everyone in our house. So many brothers! Would you really want to do that stuff with us around? This place is much better! Much more quiet, much more private and much more romantic!" He takes a breath before continuing. "Anyway, we just wanted you guys to be safe, don't want our sister to get pregnant before she's twenty! Okay, she already is twenty, but you know what I mean!"

While Rocky's been talking I've been pushing him towards the door. When he's done, we've reached the porch on the front, outside the house.

"Rocky, dad already had this talk with me like a week ago about the exact same thing! And then we have the talk he had when I was twelve. Oh boy! That was awful! My point is that you came to late! I've already been warned" I say, pushing him towards his car.

"At least take these!" Rocky says giving the condoms to me. I take them and say good bye before going inside again. Rocky surely can be weird...


Rydel's POV

I wake up in a slow nice way. The way when you first come into a half-asleep-half-awake state, then you slowly but surely get more and more awake and when you're fully awake you're really alert. 

I look at the clock and see that I've actually slept the whole night. I also realize that I've slept in my date outfit. Uh, whatever, it was quite comfotable actually. It's seven o'clock and I decide to get up, since I won't be able to sleep. As I walk into the lounge I remember yesterday with Ratliff and smile. I plopp down in the couch and turn on the TV. After a while one of my brothers plopps down next to me. I'm too into the show I'm watching to check which brother it is. I just feel him sitting there. After a while he moves closer and puts his arm around me.

'Strange' I think. 'Maybe it's Riker' I look up anf see Ellington sitting in the couch with his arm around me. He looks at me and I smile. I nezzle up against his chest and continue watching the show. We watch the show in silence until I get really curious about what he's doing here.

"Ell, not to be rude, but what are you doing here? It's like half past seven in the morning! How did you even get in?" I ask looking up at him. He looks down at me with a small smirk on his lips. 

"Well, Rocky asked me to come and I know where your sparekey is" he says. I frown.

"But Rocky's still asleep! None of my brothers wake up until at least nine!" I say. Ellington's smile disappear. 

"That bastard sleepdialed me!" he states. I giggle. Many peope sleepwalk, but Rocky sleepdials. And he mostly sleepdials Ellington. He hasn't sleepdialed him for a while, so we all thought it was just a state he went through, but apparently he still sleep dials. Ellington looks at me more carefully and realizes I'm in the same clothes as yesterday. 

"You slept in those?" he asks and I smile, nodding. He kisses the top of my head and we go back to watching the show. After a while the show ends and none of us are interested in the show that's coming up next. We zap through the channels for a while, but there's nothing good to look at. I sigh and turn he TV off. I give Ellington a quick kiss on the cheek and decide to change clothes. Ellington isn't happy with the kiss on the cheek and pulls me down on the couch again. I land ontop of him and he falls down. He smashes his lips on mine and I smile. I pull back after a little while and go to my room even though Ellington whines like crazy and begs for me to let him come. I shake my head and leave him all miserable in the couch. 

I go into my room and strip out of the clothes I'm wearing. In only my underwear I start looking in my closet for clothes to wear. I'm so busy that I don't hear someone coming into my room. I don't notice the person until a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I let out shriek, but a hand quickly covers my mouth. I calm down when I feel the scent of the person carrying me. It's Ellington. He puts me down on the bed. 

"Ell!" I hiss. "I told you to wait outside!" but I can't help the smirk forming on my lips when Ellington pushes me down on the bed. 

"Well, I just couldn't help myself!" he whispers and smashes his lips on mine again. We both smile into the kiss as I feel Ellington's tounge brush against my bottom lip. I decide to tease him and refuse to let him in. I feel him smirk and even though I know what he's going to do a moan slips from my lips as he bites my bottom lip. He takes that chance and slips his tounge into my mouth. I don't mind this heated kiss actually. I slip my hands inside his T-shirt and feel the abs under it. I grip the bottom of the T-shirt and pull it over his head. His lips quickly reconnects with mine and we roll over so that I'm on the top. We're so caught up in the moment that we don't realize the door opening. I feel Ellington's hands on my back searching for my bra clisp. Just as he finds it someone clears there throat and we looks up at the person standing at the bottom of the bed. 

It's Riker.



Sorry, short chapter again, but I really thought this was a good ending, don't you? So, some of you guys commented that you wanted a dirty scene, but not that many. 

I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE RYDEL PREGNANT!! (At least not yet...) So you don't have to worry about that. 

If I get 10 comments or more telling me to write a dirty scene, I will! Is that reasonable? I really don't mind if you want to write it though! Feel free to PM me a scene if you'd like! 

If you don't want a dirty scene that's OK too! Just tell me!! 

Well, that's all I wanted to say, so Happy Easter!!! 

Love Rebus <3

Love Me Like That - A Rydellington/R5 Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now