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Thank you @DarkAssassin50412 for tagging me! ^~^

Thank you @DarkAssassin50412 for tagging me! ^~^

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1. Do I have a crush? Eh... I don't really know XD I don't think so, at least not on someone that exists XD

2. What's my middle name? Annette

3. What's my height? 5'2/158 cm

4. What's my eye color? Rainbow .-.

5. Last time I cried? Oh God I have no idea XD I almost cried a few days ago while reading the BNHA manga lol

6. Biggest fear? Having everyone hate me and turn against me and ending up alone...

7. Last song I listened to? I have no idea lol, I think it was "Emperor's New Clothes" by Panic! at The Disco

8. Last person I texted? On wattpad: amb_13 :3

9. Favorite app? Wattpad of course~

And I'm not tagging anyone because I've done this tag a million times before XD

Thank you Pug4Lyfe for the next two tags! ^~^

Real name? Kaitlin XD

Age? 14

Siblings? 1, I want a big sister though T_T

Gender? girl~ :3

Last song I listened to? I think it was "Emperor's New Clothes" by P!ATD or "Gasoline" by Halsey

Favorite Wattpad friend? You want me to choose? TwT

Next tag~ :3

Last person texted? amb_13 :3

Birthday? March 9th

Last social media argument? A day or two ago with someone on wattpad lol (or, well, it wasn't really an argument, I just got upset and muted the person lol)

Last irl argument? I can't even remember, it's been so long XD

How tall am I? 5'2/158 cm

How much do I weigh? I have no idea XD

And I'm not tagging anyone 'cause most of you don't do them anyway lol

Tags and Random Thingiemijigglies 3Where stories live. Discover now