The Bestest of Friends?

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Amethyst: "O....M....G.... I look like a nightmare!!!!! I'll do this fast"

I start with removing my makeup then I took a quick shower and wore my cloths, I decided to go natural today since I don't feel like it. When I started thinking about that dream... it can't be just a dream... it just feels, so, real. I look at my eyes and realize that my irises started to turn purple.

Amethyst: "Oh no... No no no no no nooooo! It's real!!!! Nothing like this has ever happened!!! I need to do some digging to figure out what's going on. But right now, I need to clear my mind" she takes a deep breath and leaves the bathroom.


As I enter the room, I see mark sleeping like a little angel on my bed.

Amethyst: "Ahwwwww I have to take a picture" she gets her phone out and takes a picture. "Now... MARKIEEEEEEEE!!!!" as she starts jumping on the bed.
Mark: "5 more minutes mom" He says with his face flat on the pillow.
Amethyst: "Mom!? ARE YOU CALLING ME OLD!!?? I'M 19 NOT 40!!!"
Mark: "!!!" He wakes up and falls off the bed. "Owww" as he scratches his head. "Sorryyyyy I fell asleep waiting!!! I'm not calling you old!!!! I uh..."
Amethyst: *laughs* "oh my god your reaction has me dying!!" She says as she is laughing laying down on the bed.
Mark: "what's so funny huh?" He looks at her while raising an eyebrow.
Amethyst: "nothing... other than the look on your face"
Mark: "oh really? Ok... I see how it is" he stands up.
Amethyst: "what are you doi-"

Suddenly mark jumps on her.

Amethyst: "get off meeee!!!! You're too heavy I can't move!!!! And I want McDonald's!!!!"
Mark: "are you calling me fat!!!??"
Amethyst: "I didn't say that!!! But if that's what you think then yeah you're fat" she smiles (showing her teeth) at him.
Mark: "Ok ok, good luck escaping" he smiles back (showing teeth).
Amethyst: "I may be a girl but one thing is for sure... IM NOT WEAK!!!"

I tried pushing him away from me but he grabbed my arm. My face turned red because I tried escaping for some minutes then, I had an idea.

Mark: "MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU'RE NEVER GETTING OUT!!!! *laughs* your face is red you look like a damn tomato"
Amethyst: "okay okay you win" she stops trying.
Mark: "now what do you say?" He let's go of my arms.
Amethyst: "SIKE!!!" As she flips him over. "MUAHAHAHAHAHHA" *giggles*
Mark: "Bruh... you do know you have the same weight as a puppy"
Amethyst: "puppies are cute"
Mark: "female dogs are called b**ches"
Amethyst: "okay now I'm serious you win, that was a good one" she laughs and gets off him.
Mark: "are you mad that I called you a bitch?"
Amethyst: "No, I'm happy because you're paying for my breakfast"
Mark: "fair enough now let's go!!!"
Amethyst: "YEYYYYYY!!!"

At McDonald:

Mark: "Here we are!!"
Amethyst: "I want that pancake mini sandwich with eggs, bacon, cheese, and syrup inside!!" She says in a hyped voice.
Mark: "And you're going to eat it? Wait is that even in the menu!?"
Amethyst: "yes, I am going to eat it and YES IT'S IN THE MENU!!!"
Mark: "Mk I need to get you that and then we are going to Starbucks to get you that daily tea because looks like you woke up snappy. If I don't do that... there's a chance you explode" he says as he parks the car.
Amethyst: "How come you know me so well markie???"
Mark: "well to start with our moms have been best friend since... ever I guess, soooo basically we've known each other ever since we were born"
Amethyst: "lol true" she removes her seat belt.
Mark: "Enough talking I'm starving and I bet you are too" he gets out of the car.
Amethyst: "You bet I am!!!" She gets out of the car and runs to the entrance.
Mark: "Amyyyyyy waittttt!!!" He locks the car and runs behind her.
Amethyst: "Food doesn't wait!!!!"
Mark: " let's order because I still have to tell you what happened yesterday" he catches up to her.
Amethyst: "ooooooo tell meeee!!! I don't see any bruises on you so it's a good sign"
Mark: "I'll tell you when we sit down"

We order our food and sit down.

Amethyst: "Yummmmyyyyy!!!! Thank you markieee!!! Oooo that rhymes!!"
Mark: *laughs* "anytime Amy. Now do you want to eat then listen to the story or story first then eat?"
Amethyst: "right now I want to know what happened to that damn piece of sh*t!!!"
Mark: "ok so, I busted in the door like in the movies then walked to him, said SURPRISE B**CH!!! punched his nose and gave him a nose bleed!!
Amethyst: "are you exaggerating???" She says while laughing.
Mark: "No, believe it or not all I'm saying is true"  crossing his arms.
Amethyst: " okay okay keep going" *giggles* "what did he do?"
Mark: "he snapped at me then I broke his jaw then he punched me in the stomach and he fainted. Sooo yeah... the guy's probably at the hospital regretting all he has ever done in his life" he laughs "that was my best achievement in life"
Amethyst: ".........." her jaw drops "No... Freaking.... Wayyyyy!!!!! OMGEEEEEEEE!!!!!" She freaks out.
Mark: "I know, I know, I'm the best "
Amethyst: "Bruh!!! Swear on ur life!!! That made me feel a lot better!!!" *laughs*
Mark: "That's good to hear!!! I'm glad that my superhero story made your day" he smiles.
Amethyst: "haha it really did, thank you Mark" she smiles at him.
Mark: "Anytime you need me I'm here amethyst... Now, LETS EAR IM STARVING!!!"
Amethyst: "YUSSSSSSSS!!!"

We start eating, then a slight ray of sunlight hits me while I'm eating, and at the corner of my eye I see Mark... just staring at me as if he's seen a ghost.

Author's note:

Thank you for reading loves!!!❤️❤️❤️ plz follow if you like my story until now!!!!

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