Surpassing wonders

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We start eating, then a slight ray of sunlight hits me while I'm eating, and at the corner of my eye I see Mark... just staring at me as if he's seen a ghost.


Amethyst: "what?" She gives him a clueless face.
Mark: "y-y-you um...." pointing at my eyes then on top of me. "Is this normal?"
Amethyst: "tell me what is it!!!"
Mark: "Um how do I say this.... um don't freak out but um... why did your eyes change color, you have like a purple smoke thingy that somehow looks like a lady... annnddd your hair is lighter"
Amethyst: "Okay... I can explain... first, it's normal for my hair to get lighter when it's in contact with the sun, second I'm not sure..." she says lowering her tone as she plays with her hair while looking down.
Mark: "What do you mean nu "I'm not sure!?" Your the paranormal nerd!!"
Amethyst: "I've never heard, read, nor seen such thing in my life!! People would be surprised if the amount of things they still don't know... all I know is that she did something to me, tho I still don't know what"
Mark: "bro I might not be a paranormaux nerd but I think you should visit a pope or something... what if that "she" will end up hurting you!?"
Amethyst: "I need to investigate this first..." she takes a sip from her juice.
Mark: "Amy I honestly wouldn't risk getting hurt if I were you... don't play with spirits, it's not a game"
Amethyst: "I'm well aware mark but sometimes... you have to learn to take risks"
Mark: "F**k risks take it easy!!! Who knows what will happen!!"
Amethyst: "mark relax... I want and need to know more and what if the pope doesn't work?"
Mark: "how are you so calm!!?? And what do you mean by "what if the pope doesn't work" it HAS to!!!"
Amethyst: "your well aware that you can't stop me, this is my decision and as my best friend you have to respect it"
Mark: "it was worth trying and best friends care about each other too they won't let their best friend do something to kill themselves"
Amethyst: "yeah, I guess your right but I just want to get some information because until now my theory is that I've been haunted by this lady that you can see and something caused her to do so. And that's what I want to investigate..."
Mark: "why do you do this?..."
Amethyst: "because I don't want to be like other girls or people in general, I want to be free and see beyond what normal people see, believe beyond what people believe, be beyond what others can be... our life, has no limit... what you call limits, are really just restrictions that stop you from surpassing your abilities... every single part of us is different. Now you tell me Mark, have you ever wondered what is hidden beyond our knowledge?" She says while tearing up. "I just don't want to be what society wants me to be, it's just not me".
Mark: "Wow.... Amethyst.... I did not see that coming.... I'm left speechless" he sits besides her, cups her face and wipes her tears while looking at her. "Speechless..." he hugs her. "You really are something different... never change Amethyst, you are much more"
Amethyst: "people change from time to time, it just depends on their situation. You can't expect them to stay the same forever" she hugs him back.
Mark: "damn girl!!! I'm asking myself so many questions now like... why is the earth round or whatever" he chuckles.
Amethyst: "research it, I'm pretty sure it's because of pressure since planets are made out of gasses" *giggles*
Mark: *laughs* "oh my god Amy" he says as he hugs her tighter.
Amethyst: "You're squishing meeee!!!!"
Mark: *hugs tighter* "I'm what!?"
Amethyst: "No... Oxygen...can't....breatheee..." she acts as if she fainted.
Mark: "oh no!!! My prin- uh... I mean the princess!!! She fainted!!! To awaken the princess I shall give her a kiss!" He comes close to her face.
Amethyst: "oh hell naw!!! I'm alive!!! No need for a kiss!!! She blushes and slaps him. "Oops hehe"
Mark: "ahwww cmon!!" *laughs* "don't you want a kiss from your- uhh THE Prince Charmingly handsome!?" He does a duck face.
Amethyst: "Oooooouuu!!! Prince??? Where!?"
Mark: "Me!! Duuuhhhh who else would be charmingly handsome???"  He runs his hands through his hair.
Amethyst: "well-"
Mark: "dont answer that" quickly interrupting her"
Amethyst: "hehe. I'm kidding!!!"
Mark: "you better be!! Or that prince ish gunna kish chu" he does the duck face again.
Amethyst: "in your dreams markie!!"
Mark: "ok" he closes his eyes.
Amethyst: "eww goofball" she laughs.
Mark: "eh eh eh!!! You mean charmingly handsome prince!!!"
Amethyst: "no I mean goofball"
Mark: *laughs* "ouch princess"
Amethyst: "I'm not a princess!!!!" *laughs*
Mark: "whatever floats your boat...princess..." *laughs*
Amethyst: "seriously" *laughs*
Mark: "naw lol I'm just playing with you and I'm glad to see you smiling as usual" he smiles at her.
Amethyst: "well I couldn't have done it without the charmingly handsome prince" she smiles back.
Mark: "HA!! I told you that you will see I'm the charmingly handsome prince!!!"

As we goof around ignoring the fact that there were people starring, I saw a familiar figure from the corner of my eye. It looked like it was walking towards us.

???: "so tell me amethyst... is anything you wanna tell me?"

Author's note:

Heyyy loves!!! Hope y'all are doing well ❤️ and I hope you liked this chapter!!! I decided I'm going to be posting once a week because I'm starting to get very busy, I'm struggling writing this story and if you guys would like I'd love for y'all to comment a few suggestions!!!! (I wrote this chapter in the plane ✈️!!!) Anyways I hope you keep reading my story and it means a lot to me!! Love y'all!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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