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Amethyst: "yeah... thanks mark..." she begins to get dizzy then faints.
Mark: "AMETHYST!!!"


Mark's POV:

I tried to catch her but she fell onto the ground. I started to freak out, I can't loose her... she hit her head on the found and it started to slightly bleed. I quickly checked her pulse and it was slowing down so I called the ambulance and about 5 minutes later they came and took her to the emergency room.

At the hospital:

Mark: "I-IS SHE GONNA BE OK!?" He says in tears.
Doctor: "calm down we will do everything we can"
Mark: "please... just please make sure she does"
Doctor: "we will try our best, now I'm going to ask you some simple questions. May I ask you to give me her parent's number? We need to inform them"
Mark: "I can't..."
Doctor: "why not?"
Mark: "her parents passed away when she was 17"
Doctor: "was it a car crash?"
Mark: "No, they got shot in a parking lot"
Doctor: "wow I'm sorry to hear that. Does she have any relative or any adult taking care of her?"
Mark: "it's in the past and she knows it and no she lives by herself but I'm always visiting her, we are neighbors so whenever she needs anything I have her back"
Doctor: "that's good so are you her boyfriend?"
Mark: "I WISH!!! But she just came out of a relationship with an idiot that caused all this and I'm her only friend... she was bullied because of her looks but now that she upgraded... she got in a relationship... but I'll always support her and I need her to be ok... I think I lo-" he looks down. "Not the point"
Doctor: "well right now we still don't know if she'll be ok or not but after they take care of her we will call you now, you've been here for a few hours shouldn't your parents be worried bout now? Go home and relax we will make sure your friend will be ok" he hands him a sheet of paper. "Tho before you leave, I need you to fill in this paper since your the only one that knows about her"
Mark: "I'm staying here my parents didn't even call me and will never worry bout me... and ok" he sits down and starts filling in the paper.
Doctor: "okay well... I have to go back to work, have a nice day"
Mark: "thank you, you too doctors and thanks for taking care of her can I stay the night here?"
Doctor: "anytime kiddo and no, not today"
Mark: "GREAT!!! I'll sleep on the bench"
Doctor: "we really need you to go home right now we will contact you when there's progress"
Mark: "fine I'll be back early in the morning"
Doctor: "and we will only let you see her when she's able to get visitors"
Mark: "and I'll be waiting here until then... you will see a lot more of me" he finishes the paper, smiles at the doctor and leaves. "IM COMING AT 7am!!!"
Doctor: "MAKE THAT 11!!!"

The next morning at 7am:

Mark enters the hospital and goes to check up on amethyst but the nurses stoped him from doing so.

Nurse: "who are you?"
Mark: "I'm Mark"
Nurse: "I mean who are you to amety... um the girl what was her name again?"
Mark: "Amethyst?"
Nurse: "yes amethyst!"
Mark: "I'm her brother"
Nurse: "the paper says she has no parents, siblings nor any other kind of relative"
Mark: "I'm her best friend but I consider myself her brother because I'm the only one that stayed with her through everything and we've been best friends since we were born... literally"
Nurse: "you still have no proof of that"
Doctor: "I figured you'd be here" he looks at the nurses "get back to work I'll take care of this"
Mark: "let me see her"
Doctor: "we need to talk about your friend" he opens the door to her room.
Mark: "thank you and what is it?" He comes in. "Amy..." he starts to tear up.

He sees her laying on a hospital mattress with her head wrapped and tubes and machines around her"

Mark: "w-what's going on???"
Doctor: "she lost a lot of blood, in a coma and she might loose some of her memory, but there's one thing that is fascinating and that we can't understand  ... that something is nothing seen before"
Mark: "A COMA!? MEMORY LOSS!? Please tell me this is a joke"
Doctor: "I'm afraid it's not... but look at this" he goes to amethyst and takes a tiny sample of her blood.
Mark: "what the f**k are you doing to her!?"
Doctor: "calm down and look"
Mark: "don't tell me what to do an what about her blood?"

The doctor puts the sample of her blood onto the table. first, it starts turning purple. Second, it turns into a purple flame. Third, it vanquishes.

Doctor: "Do you know anything about what just happened?"
Mark: "she's the only one that will be able to know but not at this moment... when we were at McDonald's she told me about it and said she didn't know anything about it but she is going to solve this mystery. She studies a lot about paranormal activities, spirits n stuff... do NOT bring a pope tho"
Doctor: "so you suggest that there's a spirit in her? Then why not being a pope? He'll wash that demon off her"
Mark: "we still don't know anything so don't"
Doctor: "we will bring scientists to see"
Mark: "DONT you dare bring any scientist around her or you'll regret living, she's NOT a lab rat she's a 19 year old girl that's in a darn coma at the moment and god knows what happened to her"
Doctor: "is that a threat?"
Mark: "no lol why would I threaten anyone... it's a promise that I won't break"
Doctor: "fine then we'll be asking her some questions when she wakes up"
Mark: "I'll be around when that happens and can you please leave? I need some time with my best friend"
Doctor: "you have 5 minutes"
Mark: "you're wasting them, get out!!!"
Doctor: "I'll be outside" he leaves and closes the door.
Mark: "I guess your stuck here for a while... he holds her hand. "Such a beautiful, amazing and different girl like you doesn't deserve this" tears start falling. "Why? You deserve so much more... I'll come and visit you everyday until you wake up..." he looks at her. "If you can hear me amy... I won't let anyone hurt you so there's nothing to worry about" he checks the time. " please wake up"

Doctor: he opens the door. "Times up!!!"
Mark: "okay Amy I have to go but I'll come back I promise" he kisses her wrapped forehead. "Take care"

Author's note:

Sorryyyyyy I know I took long to publish this chapter but the thing is I was hospitalized for a few days but I'm back and I feel better 😊 This chapter is the longest until now XD I hope y'all liked it ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love u guys sooo muchhhh!!!

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