Hogwarts part 1

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Up above in the media is what sapphire looks like.

Sapphire P.O.V

I was Watching the ocean when I heard a noise outside. I got up and opened the door to see a letter on the floor and an owl on the car. I picked up the letter, closed the door and sat on the couch. I opened the letter, and it said,

You have been invited to learn magic at Hogwarts the school for witch craft and wizardry, I give you my good luck, and go to diagon alley, that's where hagrid will be, he will help you get stuff that you need, here is a list of things you will need,
• Wand
• books for classes
• pet
• Writing Quills
• gold from Gringot Bank
That's all and one more thing you will know who Hagrid is by his height his is half giant.
Wow, I am going to learn magic!!! Got to tell dad!!!!

Time Skip(at diagon alley)

Im here, there is Hagrid. I walk up to him. "Sir are you Hagrid?" I ask. "Well yes I am, yer must be Sapphire, Follow me." We walk to a place where I will get my wand. We walk in and with help I try out wands until finally I got one it's what birch wood, it was carved with ocean symbols, it was made with a pheonix feather. The guy said that this wand was special. After we got me some gold... We got to the place where we get pets and I walk in. I see a Blackish, brownish, and whitish kitten with Turquoise eyes that is cute. I get the kitten and I name her Opal. I put her in my hands and walk to platform nine after getting everything.

Time Skip(At Platform 9)

When I get there I see a red headed family run into a wall and disappear. Before the lady could go I run up to her and say "how do you get to platform 9 3/4?" "Well dear you run into the wall with your stuff, but you can't hesitate to go through or you'll crash!" She said, "thanks for the help, I'm new.!" I say. I grab my stuff and run straight through the wall and then I see platform 9 3/4. So I board the train and look for a place to sit. They were all full except for one. I walk to the place and I see a boy with black hair and emerald green eyes with glasses then I see a red headed boy next to him, then there was a girl next to him with light brown hair and blue eyes. "Can I sit here?, the seats are full." I ask. "Sure" the boy with black hair replied. I sit down and say " I'm new here, my names Sapphire Gem, what's yours?" I totally forgot I am not from here I am from Georgia, America. "You're not from here are you?" A girl with bushy brown hair said. "I'm Harry Potter, these two are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, nice to meet you.!" Said the black haired boy known as Harry. "nice to meet you" they said. "Wait you don't know about Harry? He's famous.!" Ron said. "Well I'm from America." I answer. "That makes sense" Hermione said.

Time Skip(to the sorting)

"Sapphire, Gem"
I walk up and sit on the stool.
I then hear the hat speaking. "Hmm a tricky one, you are, you would be great in any house , I think we will have to let her switch between houses every week until we find out which house she belongs in!, it's settled then she will switch between houses every week in this order, Gryffindore, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and lastly Hufflepuff." I got up and walk towards the Griffindore table and sat down. The students were talking about Me and I was nervous. We walked to the Griffindore common room and I chose a bed and fell asleep.

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