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The beasts of the night hissed and growled as they circled the brothers in arms. This was not the first time Prompto fell badly. When Prompto was a child he was lonely and confused. The lack of friendship and family caused him to fall in a state of depression. His adoptive parents were never home to care and teach Prompto basic skills. The days behind the protective walls felt dull for his young mind as he always wanted to go beyond the walls of the place he was forced to call home. Each day was repetitive for him, he would go to school wearing the same outfit and return home eating the same thing- 'luxurious' fast-food. The same words always circled his mind, "pathetic" and "worthless" as he felt there was no use for him in the world.

However, there was one day that woke Prompto up from the dull trance. The day Prince Noctis arrived at school. To begin with, yet again Prompto felt as a waste of time as he thought it would be impossible for a loser like him to befriend the most popular kid in school... and the Kingdom. He constantly stared down at his overweight body and compared himself to the skinny-bodied Noctis. There was no chance.

The months leaded to years and finally Prompto felt his calling. Although 3 years had passed, Prompto felt accomplishment for once in his lifetime and was prepared to confront Noctis.

"Hey you!" The athletic and tall Prompto lightly punched Noctis' arm.

"Oh..hey. I remember you" Noctis smiled uncomfortably.

"You do?" Prompto smiled with hope.

"Prompto right?" The prince spoke with a friendlier tone.

"Ye..ah" Prompto spoke confused as he thought Noctis never took notice of him.

"You're the photo guy.. the one that used to be quite.." Noct frantically waved his arms to indicate a larger built body.

"That was me." Prompto began to speak in a sadder tone.

"Don't get me wrong. Your art still looks insane and you look amazing! Those days in the gym paid off 'ey? Not that you needed to go anyway. you looked fine" Noctis smiled.

This moment forever stays in Prompto's heart. The moment he found a true friend and was only the beginning of the many milestones he will have and spend with the future King.

"Speaking of. I know we've only just started to speak, but I kinda need your help with something" The black haired boy scratches his head.

"Oh yeah?" Prompto smirks.

"We can get to know each other more later, but I need your camera skills for a.. project I'm working on." Noct reveals.

"Lead me right away then!" Prompto giggled.

The two boys walked down the cobblestone path of the school catching the attention of each student. They all peered in amazement as everybody's high school crush walked glamorously next to the schools loner? Many people also stared confused. Prompto's heart beated heavily in excitement that he finally did it- spoke to his soon to be best friend as each thump of blood masked out the combination of positive and negative comments left by the other students. Fluorescent pink petals began falling from the sky, like a storm of pink rain which only left the atmosphere more magical for Prompto.

"We're gonna be outside the walls for a few days." Noctis said calmy.

" I thought no one was allowed to leave?" Prompto questioned.

"We're not. That's why I ask of you not to tell. Please?" Noct had a worrying tone.

"Sure..but.." Prompto began to speak before Noct intruded,

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you into this. Our journey had just began and I already messed it up.." Noctis growled.

"No. It's fine! I swear. I will join you Prince!" Prompto spoke reluctantly without really realising his words.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now