The Cat and The Mouse

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Noctis stood in awe as the Leviathan came rushing out the water, a wave formed and the water plummeted down quickly, flooding the front of the city and seeping through the streets.

"There will be more water than that! Is everyone safe and evacuated?" Iggy shouted over the sound of crashing waves at Gladio.

"The last group of people were just sent off!" Gladio screamed back.

"Excellent!" Iggy felt accomplished.

"Not everyone..." Noct muttered to himself with a worried tone.

"What was that?"Luna was the only one that heard the Prince as she was stood next to him.

"I have to go... Continue the summoning, I will be back!" Noct began to run towards the city before Gladio ran in front of him.

"Where are you going?!" Gladio gripped his arm to restrain him.

"Back to Prompto! We can't leave him!" He cried in desperation.

"Then I will go. You're needed here!" Gladio sounded sensible, but Noct protested.

"No! I promised that I would go!" Noct attempted to free himself from Gladio's strong grip. His cries captured the attention of Iggy and Luna.

"Let go of him Gladio." Iggy stepped forward. Gladio listened and sighed as he pushed Noct.

"If saving him is your calling then go. Your calling can not be ignored. As Oracle I will protect you all, but I haven't got long, you need to be here to slay her." Luna waved her arm around gracefully.

"Thank you Luna." He smiled, his eyes sparkled as tears were forming.

"How much time does he have?" Iggy asked Luna.

"3 hours, no longer!" She raised her trident into the air.

Noct nodded, that was plenty of time. He ran off into the maze of a city.

"Isn't 3 hours a bit long...?" Gladio crossed his arms.

"I didn't want to say this, but... I sense a problem with Prompto. I don't know what it is, but i needn't scare Noctis."

"A problem?" Iggy sounded concerned.

"His soul doesn't feel as pure and innocent as it once was. Anger, sadness and greed has taken over him." She saddened.

"We have to warn Noct!" Gladio pulled out his phone.

"No. He must face this on his own. Seeing one of his worst nightmares will break Noct, but is a sacrifice need to be made if he is to be king." She lowered her head.

Gladio places his phone into his pocket. "That bad, huh."

Noct frantically was running, his legs travelling faster than his body. At first he was faster than the rising water, but it soon caught up to him. He looked behind him, sweat pouring off of his grey-blue hair. The buildings he once ran passed were cracking, glass smashing and filling with water. He had to be quicker.

The hotel was in his sights, a few blocks away. The complex city made it hard to reach as the canal systems obstructed easy routes to a street. Besides, the whole city will be one big canal system in a matter of minutes. The city looked like a scene from an apocalyptic movie. Buildings destroyed, clothing pieces on the floor and the lack off human presence made it eerie. The streets were littered with MT's that fell into deep water and were washed up further in land. They sparked and their glowing red eyes were dim and dying in the sunlight.

Finally, he made it to the hotel, front glass doors now shattered on the floor. The lobby empty and the receptionist lay dead against the desk. Shot straight between the eyes. This was the first time in a long time that Noct had seen human death. Plenty of beasts die everyday, MT's killed without thought and the news clippings that described the death of thousands and his father in Insomnia. This was different. Human beings that Noct interacted with earlier on.

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