True Feelings

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The bolts of lightning and hammering of the rain on the roof of the Regalia ripped Prompto out of his sleep.
"Can't sleep?" Ignis' calming voice carried through the air quietly. He adjusted his glasses in the mirror as he stared back at Prompto.

"Noct always seems to bring the storm doesn't he?" Prompto stared out the rainy window, watching the beads of water race each other.

"I'm sure this isn't Ramuh's doing. Noctis controls the astrals and they would only get angry if he gets-". Iggy paused as he looked back towards the road, causing the light to reflect on his glasses.

"He accidentally caused the storm. Because of my weak arse." Prompto glanced at the sleeping Prince.

"Now, now..." Ignis began to intervene.

"Forget it. I know. I'm not that important" the blonde boy rolled his eyes.

The rubber tires splashed through the dense puddles that filled each nook and cranny on the lone roads. A combination of factors that made night driving that extra bit harder. Both Noctis and Gladiolus lay sound asleep and drifted deeper as the calming pitter of the rain hit the metal roof.

Prompto groaned as he glanced at his friends and was disappointed with himself that he delayed their journey for a few days. The boy looked down at his body and realised the extend of his injuries, he couldn't even adjust his body into a comfier position without disturbing Noctis to ask for assistance.

Calming blue and white colours seeped into the  Regalia, relaxing Prompto a little and making Iggy feel a little calmer for Prompto's sake. The lights that were made to scare the strongest demons away  looked beautiful at night as it reflected the dust particles that floated in the air- a very calming contrast.

A tired, husky voice spoke for the void,
"You are important." Noctis rolled over to face the troubled Prompto.

"Hmm?" Prompto seemed startled.

Noctis yawned, "I heard your conversation with Ignis and it only just occurred to me that without you, I wouldn't get those badass photos and uplifting moments when I'm at an all time low" Noctis smiled with his tired and adorable face.

"Now you're being too cheesy." Prompto giggled. 

The blue glowing rock in the distance began slowly gaining in size and colour as the Regalia approached. Lestallum at long last was awaiting the arrival of the crew.

"Not long now." Ignis spoke in a louder tone to try to wake Gladio up. Yet the strong man still lay snoring against the cold glass window. However, the calmness of the atmosphere took a drastic change when Prompto began Shrieking in pain.

"Please make it stop!" Prompto cried.
The car began to panic and Gladio erupted from his slumber.

"Wha- what happened?" Gladio questioned quickly.

"I don't know!" Noctis spoke back.
The blonde haired boy tried with all his energy to get into a comfier position such as the fetal positon to get rid of all sharp pains, but nothing worked.
Electric shocks and razor daggers ripped through his body as all he could do was dig his claws into the seats of the Regalia and scream.

"Poison!" Ignis shouts.

"He's been poisoned?" Noctis worries.

"Must be a side effect or a delayed effect. This is far beyond the point for an antidote to work though! However this doesn't explain his piercing headaches and nose bleeds..."Ignis frantically waved his right hand around as he spoke. 

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now