Home For Now

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Hours passed as Prompto drove the Regalia for the first time. The weather changed multiple times across the journey and the surface of the road went from Snow to ice, to dirt and tarmac. They all had travelled far from the Empire's base back into common ground without saying a single word.

Finally after getting out of a dark and ominous tunnel, Prompto turned the Regalia down a dirty path that was hard to notice. Night had fallen by now and the stars shone bright onto the shiny Regalia, but the demons were ready to attack. With the mindset of a leader, Prompto led the car down winded paths as the headlights reflected onto the large lake filled with hundreds of fish. One of the boys finally spoke up to try to release the tension,
"A good fishing spot." Noctis awkwardly smiled.
No one spoke back.

The car pulled into a lay-bay and everything set silent for a moment.
"Home for now." Prompto spoke.
Him and Noctis reached for the door handles to assist the 3 sitting in the back seat.
Cor stepped out while helping the weakened Gladio and Iggy draped both his arms around Noctis and Prompto.
Ignis' body was weaker and smaller compared to Gladio. He took the force of the gravity the worse and it probably damaged his internal organs badly. A potion was needed quickly.

The small trail weaved around a small mound as a blue misty light raised into the galaxies. A safe haven for comfort and recovery. The stronger brothers placed the weakened onto the patterned rune carved stone and Prompto ran back to the car for the camping gear. With his arms full he crawled back up to the hill and threw the gear onto the ground. Cor set up some chairs and sat Gladio and Iggy on them.
They were out of it, faces confused and in pain. Neither said a word and only gripped themselves as they hurt.

The prince walked up to them and crouched in front of their legs. His pale hand reached Ignis' cheek and he felt how warm he was. Noct's head looked towards the floor before looking back up again. He pulled out one of his potions and gave it to Iggy. The bottle shattered and disappeared into thin air. A wispy blue smoke appeared and was absorbed into Iggy.
The glasses wearing man gasped before feinting and collapsing onto the floor.
"Iggy!" Noct shouted, capturing the attention of Prompto and Cor.

Noctis had a close relationship with Ignis. They grew up together in the Citadel and became unlikely friends. Iggy was his mentor, the older brother Noct never had. As Noct grew older, he drifted away from Iggy and felt like he was bossed around. The prince couldn't cook even after protesting that he could live independently in his own apartment, like 'normal' people. It was Ignis' job to check on him every now and then and to make sure he was eating properly, even if he didn't like to eat his vegetables, Iggy tried to find ways to sneak them into Noct's diet. However, as Noct slowly escaped his teenage phase, something clicked in his mind and decided to become closer to
Iggy once more.

Cor rushed over to Iggy and Prompto followed. They both propped him back up, but he still didn't awake. Gladio began to groan in pain so Noct and Prompto held both of the large man's arms to prevent him from falling. The same potion was used on Gladio and he reacted in the same way, he too drifted to sleep. A worrying look was exchanged amongst Noct and Prompto.

Prompto never had a very close relationship with Gladiolus. He never had a close relationship with anyone to begin with. After becoming close friends with Noctis, Gladio saw Prompto as a burden and a bad influence on someone with such royalty. Gladio's mindset the whole time was to become his father, a protector and guardian of the King who was excellent at combat. The future king becoming friends with someone who isn't royalty could lead to problems down the line and Gladio did not like this, for Noctis' protection and sake. However as he saw how happy Noct was with Prompto, he slowly began to change his mind. Prompto was harmless and an amazing friend to all.

By now Cor had set up the tents and prepared the simplest of meals to satisfy their hunger. Nothing gourmet however compared to Ignis' fine dishes. While awaiting for the two to wake up, Cor wanted a discussing with the Prince and his companion. A long waited discussion that needed to be let out.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now