A Friendly Brawl

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The gentle pitter patter of rain tapped on the roof of the tent and was calming to hear this early in the morning. Prompto glanced over at the prince who was sleeping peacefully so he didn't want to move to disturb him. Gladio laid sprawled out, mouth open and snoring, but it didn't awake the boys anymore, they were used to sharing with Gladio. Ignis however laid uncomfortably, he suffered nightmares throughout the slumber of others, it looked as if he only just managed to get some sleep.  The trance like sound began spinning Prompto's head as he fell deeper back into his dreams.

A light moaning awoke Prompto once more, except 6 hours had passed. The somber rain had stopped and the sun shined warmly on the tent. Everyone was sleeping late today.
"Why are you awake? Nobody else is." Prompto whispered with a raspy voice.
"I don't know. I'm thinking the same." Noct rubbed his eyes and shifted towards Prompto.
"Something on your mind?"
"Probably." Noct replied, barely answering the question.
"Care to share?" Prompto let out a smile.
"If I knew what it was. It's probably nothing, Gladio probably accidentally punched me or something." Noct quietly laughed.
Am agreeing look crossed Prompto's face.

"Well you're awake now. Want to go outside?" Prompto slowly pulled the sleeping back from his skinny body.

"This early in the morning?" Noct smashed his head into his pillow.

"C'mon, you need the fresh air!" Prompto tried to encourage him.

There was a pause.

"Fine, but only because Gladio's snoring is annoying once you're awake." Noct pulled his arm out of the duvet and began unzipping the sides. Both the boys crawled on their hands and knees out of the tent and onto the engraved concrete.

" I thought Cor was staying another day?" Noct yawned.

"He is, he's just gone out to do some errands. He said he would be back by the time you're awake since you're usually up late. He's gonna have a surprise to see you this early." Prompto giggled.

"I need my beauty sleep." Noct replied.

"I'm sorry sleeping beauty, did I offend you princess?" Prompto mimicked the actions of a bowing prince and laughed at Noct.

"Hey! You know I could have you charged for that!" Noct smiled while playfully punching Prompto's shoulder.

"But you wouldn't." The blonde boy winked.

"I might if you cross my line." Noct drew an imaginary line with his foot.

Prompto stared at it and was reminded of his childhood days with Noct. The times when the young prince snuck out of the safety of his room and slipped past the eyes of the guards. He would weave in and out of shrubbery and use the underground water system to navigate the city. Prompto knew when Noct was coming because he could hear the cries and shouts of guards at the citadel screaming, "The prince has disappeared again!". A memory that will always make him laugh at how silly it was.

The first time young Noctis showed Prompto the underground system was on Prompto's Birthday. His parents weren't home as usual and Noct was his only close friend. He was not allowed into the citadel to celebrate the party that Noctis wanted to throw, so instead they had their own party, under the citadel.

They crawled through a small drain system that was left unlocked near a pink, cherry blossom tree outside the high school for older kids. There was an old and brown ladder, worn by the rain leading them into the darkness below. Noct had already set up the room, but Prompto was yet to see it.

The young prince was the first to set foot in the small puddle that resided on the floor and helped Prompto down off of the ladder.
"No peeking!" A high pitched Noct spoke.
"I'm not!" Prompto giggled while covering his eyes.

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