Another tag *rolls eyes*

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^sigh^ I was tagged by Super, normally wouldn't do it, but this looked semi cool.

Snuck out: does sneaking outside to watch the stars count?
Broke a bone: Yup, my right arm!
Cried myself to sleep: Heh, yeah.
Been arrested: ^cough^ that's classified, I don't want the Lego lords sending their minions for me to step on ^cough^
Felt lonely: Ha, yes.
Been depressed: Extremely sad, but not diagnosed with actual depression, so, no.

What's Your

Birthday: March 7th
Biggest Fear: Losing my best friend
Dream job: Artist/Writer
Dream car: A purple truck
Dream house: Uh, well, it would take a long time to explain, like, uh, ^cough^ more than a thousand word count last I checked ^cough^

Do you

Like someone: Lotta people, my entire Wattpad fam, my Amino fam(s)
Love someone: Yes, ShadeFinder
Have tattoos: Does temporary henna count?
Have piercings: ears :D
Party: ^looks up from YouTube^ you're funny.


Artist: Belua
Movie: Uh, um, ^cough^ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Song: Anything Sean(Shadow) sings- ^cough^ I mean ^~^ Try Everything
Netflix series: sHERLOCK
Book: Any book Becca has written
Color: Purple :D
Animal: Demon cat

This or that

Twitter or Facebook: Google+
Twitter or Instagram: Tumblr
Facebook or Instagram: Google+
Coke or Pepsi: Mt. Dew
Tea or Coffee: Mt. Dew Red (for killing Squips)
Tacos or Pizza: Pizza
Winter or Summer: Summer (No school!)

Would you ever

Get married: If they'll have me
Have kids: Maybe
Swim with sharks: For how much? 👀
Eat rotten food: Again, for how much? 👀
Marry a foreigner: If they're the one



Go forth and tag the whole world :D

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