My dream

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     I glanced around, making sure no one had followed her besides my two friends, Shadow and Ash. We had a plan to sneak into the base of the people who now controlled all of the world through a mind control substance.

All, that is, except for my Resistance.

     The people that gave out this mind altering drug never forced it on people, they only made it sound so appealing, so right, that you couldn't help but want to try it. It came in a crystal pill form, that you dissolved in water and then consumed. Your eyes would turn silver, and you'd be one of them.

     But I didn't want that. Too many people had been taken from me because of it, they didn't want to talk to an 'outsider' anymore. Because that was all that I was to them, someone with such backwards thinking that they would rather cut all ties than try to reason with me.

     With a sigh, I banished my troublesome thoughts and finished unscrewing the screws holding the vent into place. "Okay, we're in." I whispered quietly, glancing back at the other two. "Let's go."

     The three of us climbed into the abnormally large vent, but almost immediately things started to go wrong. The vent split three ways, and we each had to choose a path. I went straight ahead, Shadow went right, and Ash went left.

     After a few minutes, I couldn't hear either of them anymore. Soon after I started to hear the low woop woop woop of the fans up ahead. That must mean I'm close the the main room, where all these pills are made and stored.

     But when I popped open the vent and slowly looked out, my worst fears had come to pass. Shadow and Ash stood in the center of the room, peaceful smiles gracing their expressions. Both of them now had silver eyes as well. "No..." I looked at them with despair, realizing I was the last one left. They had taken the pill.

     "Shadow... Ash... Why?" I asked quietly, hopelessness leaving a broken edge to my voice. They had just... Left me. What had made them turn to the side we had been fighting for so long?

     Shadow took a step forward, his expression serene. "We realized we were wrong to fight, Cassia. This... This is who we're meant to be." Ash nodded, the same expression on their face. "We've been shown the light, Cass. Why don't you join us?"

     I stared in horror. They were really gone. I couldn't do anything to bring them back. I... I had failed. "I'll find a way to bring you guys back." I whispered desperately. "This isn't you, it's the pill talking! I'll put this right, I promise!"

     I turned and fled back into the vent, closing it up so they couldn't follow me. Then I started back the way I came. I would have to find a way out so I could regroup and figure out how to bring them back. I had to, I couldn't leave them like this. It wouldn't be right, not after all they've done for me.


     Hours passed, and I was forced to realize I was lost. Somewhere in this maze of air ducts I had taken a wrong turn, and I didn't know how go get back. "Why does it have to be so hard?!" I growled, glaring at the metal walls around me.

     "It doesn't have to be~"

     I froze. What was that? "Is somewhere there?" I called out quietly. I didn't see anyone, but that didn't mean I was alone. I had definitely heard someone... Right?

"Where I am doesn't matter, Cassia~ What matters is I can make your pain go away~ You can be free~"

     I frowned, not understanding. "There's nothing that says I'm not free now." I pointed out. "And you can't make my pain go away. No one can... Not with my best friends gone..." I added in a low voice.

"Oh, but I can~ You're so close to the end. Just follow this duct, and be free~"

     I shook my head, trying to ignore the voice. "I need to get going." I muttered, starting to move again. I couldn't afford to go crazy down here, it could be forever until someone found me.

     I climbed through the vents until I reached a large storage room, and jumped down into it. The room was filled with box after box of water bottles, each one containing a crystal pill. You had to shake the bottle to activate it, I knew that much.

     Yet, something about this room was different. In the center of it was a low shelf, and on that shelf was one of the bottles of water. I could see the shimmering pill inside it from here.

     I walked closer to it, an unknown force compelling me to look closer. Something about it was... Lovely. It looked perfect, something that was meant to cause help rather than harm.

     No. I realized with a start I had picked up the bottle, and hurriedly set it back down. What was wrong with me?! I was fighting against this, I couldn't take it!

And yet...

     What was the point in fighting anymore? I was the last one, my friends had fallen, my world was gone. There was no one left...
     I heard of what the pill did. It erased all your bad memories, it curbed your violent side. Was that really so wrong...?

     "Go on, little one~ Drink it, and rejoin your friends~ They miss you..."

     I listened to the voice with tears in my eyes, it sounded just like Shadow. What if it was right...? Could I really rejoin my friends, my family? I had been fighting for so long...

     Without realizing it, I had picked up the bottle again, and had started shaking it. I watched in wonder as the pill started to dissolve, releasing a burst of rainbow colors that vanished into the water. When it was all done, I knew what I had to do.

     "I'm sorry guys..." I whispered, raising the bottle to my lips. "I just can't do this alone..."

I drained the bottle, and then fell over. It felt like a great wave was consuming me, I couldn't see anything, I didn't feel anything. I couldn't... even... think...

     Time passed, and I slowly became aware of myself again. I opened my silver eyes, and smiled.


Wow, okay then. That's apparently why I dream about at night.

... I should stop reading books before going to sleep, shouldn't I?

Anyways, it was weird. What do y'all think of it? Was it interesting? Is it something you'd ever do?

Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,


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