Cold. So cold.

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The depths of this watery prison is all I know.

All I feel.

All I remember. 

Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where am I?

Memories are so hard to hold onto... But at the same time I wish I could.

And yet, as I float in the abyss, I start to have flashes of something.

A boy's laugh as we spoke of a world we created, and played in.

The face of a boy... flames dancing around her, ash falling below the fire.

The laughter of friends as we're sucked into... a book?

"Can you make the planks oak wood, to match my story?" "Ye"

Are... are these memories? Or are they nothing more than fading echos of a forgotten world...

It's so hard to think here...

Especially with the eyes.

A pair of glowing white eyes visits often, a presense that is as untouchable as the wind. 

As powerful as an unshakable mountain peak.

As relentless as a rushing river carving its path in the stone.

This is the world I know.

And yet, I can't help but feel like there's another world out there.

I open my mouth to speak, to break the pressing silence that deadens my ability to hear. But instead of words, a verse from a song comes out. I don't know how I know the song, but it feels important to me.

"She wants to go home,

But nobody's home.

That's where she lies,

Broken inside.

With no place to go,

No place to go,

To dry her eyes,

Broken inside.

Open your eyes,

And look outside,

Find the reasons why,

You've been rejected.

And now you can't find,

What you've left behind.

Be strong, be strong now.

Too many, too many problems.

Don't know where she belongs,

Where she belongs."

As I finish the song, I feel a single tear slip down my cheek, only to vanish into the water.

What's this feeling? It seems almost... blue. I can't put a name to what I'm feeling, only a color.


The eyes will be here soon.
They make it so hard to think...

I can feel myself slipping away again.

I don't want to go... Can't I stay?

No... Before I can think again,

I'm gone.

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