Chapter 10:Family Day

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I honestly don't know what I was doing for this chapter.

The video is a random Paw Patrol Tribute I found to the song Good Time.

Shout out to @starwa24ever !!!!! You the best!!

And thanks to anyone who read this far!

Hope you guys like the chapter and it's kind of short.

-Some time later-

Ryder's POV

Marshall, Chase, Rocky and I all went downstairs into the living room where my mom was. "Ready!" we all said. She looked up at us and got up. "Alright, let's go!" she said. We grabbed all of our stuff and went out. What are we doing?

We're going to have a fun family day! And it starts with watching the sunrise!

We all went down to the beach and was walking across on it. I was holding mom's hand as the pups ran ahead of us. "Look Ryder," said mom. I looked to where she was pointing, the sunrise. It was very beautiful and gave the city an orange color to it. (A/N: the picture above)

"It's very pretty mom!" I said. "Yep! How about we stop here and just watch for a minute?" suggested mom. "Okay!" I said. We called the pups to come back and we all sat down. "This is nice," said Chase. "And it's very peaceful!" said Marshall.

We sat like that talking with each other until we heard Marshall's stomach growl. He blushed from embarrassment and we all laughed. "Come on you guys, let's go eat!" said mom. We all got up and cheered. I grabbed my mom hand again and we went to a restaurant for breakfast.

After eating at the restaurant we all went back out and to the park.

We all played around for a minute then mom sat down and played on her guitar and people came to listen.

(A/N:The song is 8dayz English Version by Megan Lee)

After mom sung we all clapped. She was really talented!

We then went to go get ice cream. I had got Superman and mom had got Strawberry. We just gave the pups dog treats. We were sitting on a fountain while eating our ice cream. Marshall jumped on the fountain and started to walk on it.

"Careful Marshall, you'll fall," said mom. "I got it!" said Marshall. Marshall almost fell but he steadied himself and jumped down. "On second thought..... maybe I don't," he said and we all laughed.

We got done with our ice creams and I saw a squirrel. "Oh snap," I said to myself. The pups looked up and saw the squirrel. They just looked at it for a minute before they started to chase it while barking.

Mom and I ran after them. We ended up running to the tree from last time with Chase and saw the pups. "That squirrel is mean!" said Marshall. "Yeah, we just wanted to play," said Rocky. "Well you guys did just chase it," I said.

I looked around and saw a magic show going on. "Mom! Can we go see the Magic Show?!" I asked. She nodded. I grabbed her hand and we all went up to the show and sat down. They had real big animals!

"Is this safe?" asked Chase. I shrugged. "Who knows?" I said. After the Magic Show we all went to the flower shop and then to my parents grave. I bent down and set the flowers on the grave. "Chase and I miss you guys. But don't worry, we found a new home with a new family," I said.

We stayed there for a little longer and I noticed I was gonna possibly cry so I decided to leave.

I'm not going to cry! I don't want to disappoint Aniyah! I thought.

(A/N: Remember Aniyah doesn't want him to be sad and cry)

I looked up to the sky.

Aniyah... I miss you also I thought

We all then went to the pet store to buy some new toys, collars, and other things for the pups. After that we all went to eat and saw a movie. By the time all that happened, the sun was going down. We all went back to the beach to see the sunset, there were also other people.

We all sat down and was enjoying the sunset until...

"Help someone! Please help!!" said a lady. Me and the pups went up to a lady by the water. "What's wrong Miss?" I asked. "The current took my daughter... she can't swim!" said the lady. I was about to say something but before I did a pup came pass and jumped into the water.

????? POV

I jumped into the water wanting to help the lady get back her daughter. I swam around until I saw a little girl with her eyes closed sinking.

(A/N: I don't know what to do!!! I just made something up!)

That must be her! I thought

I swam deeper and grabbed onto her shirt with me teeth and swam up to the surface. Once on the surface I took in a deep breath of air and dragged the little girl onto the sand. I then shook and barked to get everyone's attention and they looked. "Lily!!" said the lady. Her, a boy, and three dogs came up to me.

I nudged Lily and she shot up and started coughing. Her mom hugged her petted me saying her thanks. "Your welcome Miss," I said as they walked away. I then turned to walk away when a white dog with blacks spots jumped in front of me.

"That was real cool and fearless!" he said. "Thanks dude,"I said. "Are you alone?" asked a gray pup. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Not anymore!" said the human boy. "What?" I asked. "Come live with us! My mom wouldn't mind plus you're really cool!" said the boy.

"Okay, I'm Zuma," I said. "I'm Ryder and this is Rocky, Marshall, and Chase," said the boy. I nodded and we all went up to a lady.

Ryder's POV

After seeing Zuma in action, I just knew we needed someone like him on our team! We all walked up to mom and she just looked at us with a blank face knowing what we were going to ask. "I already know and the answer is yes, as long as you're happy and can take care of him," said mom and we all hugged her.

After watching the sunset we all went home. Marshall and Zuma slept in one of the spare rooms while Rocky either slept in the other spare room or with me and Chase.




I tried with that chapter you guys.

I don't really know what to do anymore.


Let me not say that... I know what to do, I'm just not sure about it.

Feedback would be nice but only if you want to and nothing mean.


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Love you guys,


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