How It All Started Trailer

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This is the trailer for the book.

I'm sorry it's words and not a video but I tried to make a video and it did not come out how I wanted it to come out.

So yeah......


Oh and.... I tried!!!! Sorry if it's not good!


*Scene starts with the Paw Patrol outside playing ball while laughing*


Have you ever wondered how the Paw Patrol started?

Well... in order to get that answer you'll have to go back... way back to the beginning of....

How It All Started

*Whole book is in rewind all the way to the beginning as the words Sanderson Tech brings you a Sanderson book made by:starlightforever13 flashes across the screen*

*The rewind stops and the screen is black*

The day was March 14, 2007.

*Scene flashes to a lady being rushed through the hospital, ready to give birth, she is pushed into a room and soon everything is ready*

-After however long it would take cause I don't know-

*The screen is black and we hear a new born baby cry*

It was the birth date of a miracle.

*Screen flashes to the mom holding a newborn baby boy with the father by her side and A Thousand Years Cover by The Piano Guys plays in the background*

"Hello there little one," cooed the mother.

"What should we name him?" asked the father.

"Ryder, Ryder Collins," said the mother.

So it was just Ryder and his parents over the years

*pictures of Ryder's childhood flashes across the screen*

Soon Ryder got a dog and his name with Chase.

*A picture of Chase goes across the screen and more pictures of Ryder's childhood does too but with Chase in them also*

Ryder even found out Chase could talk!

Everything was perfect......

*song stops*

But nothing lasts forever.

*car crashes*

Ryder, his parents, and Chase all got into a car accident one day but only Ryder and Chase survived.

Ryder was devastated after learning about his parents death.

Ryder and Chase were now orphans.

*Sad pictures and videos of Ryder flashes across the screen as The Scientist by Coldplay cover by Julia Westlin plays in the background*

Ryder and Chase was soon put into in orphanage, The Tammerson's Orphanage.

Ryder talked to no one but Chase. He always walked around by himself when they would go out and would constantly visit his parents grave.

He missed them dearly.

But soon.... he met Aniyah Campbell.

*screen turns into a video of Ryder playing with a girl his age while smiling*

They did a lot of this together with Chase. She was the light to his darkness.

Aniyah was soon adopted and Ryder, with Chase, was sad again but not as much.

*Ryder sits looking out the window with Chase*

"I miss them so much Chase," said Ryder.

"Me too Ryder, me too" said Chase.

So what happens when Ryder gets.....


Read book to find out!

*song stops*


Owen Mason as Ryder

Tristan Samuel as Chase

Breanne Kelly as Aniyah

Gage Munroe as Marshall

Stuart Ralston as Rocky

Alex Thorne as Zuma

Kallan Holley as Skye

Devan Cohen as Rubble


There you have it guys!!!

What do you guys think?

*cries in a corner*

I am once again sorry that this is in words instead of a video.

Please don't hate me our leave any hate in this book!

I am going to call you guys my puppies.

*vote,comment,share,ask questions,follow*

Love my puppies,


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