Chapter 14:Patrol pt.2

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The video is a tribute I made for the K-pop group BTS because I love them<3<3 and it has nothing to do with the story.

I wanted to share it with you guys. It is an old video but make sure to check out my Youtube channel!

Nightlight Lover101 is my YouTube channel name.

If you want... you can say what you think about the video in the comments.

Here's next chapter!



Marshall Pov

I lead the team up to the fire I smelt. When we got there, we saw some of the woods on fire. Ryder called for help. Some firefighters came and started to put out the fire. We all then heard a meow and a little girl call for help.

We looked around, saw them, and went up to them. "What's wrong?" Ryder asked the girl. "My kitty is stuck in that tree!" said the girl crying. "Don't worry little girl, we'll get him down. Marshall!" said Ryder. "I'm fired up!" I said. I ran to tell one of the firefighters what was going on.

They let me use the ladder and I climbed up it and onto the tree where the kitten was. "Come here little kitty, I won't hurt you," I said. The cat meowed and came up to me. It jumped on my back and I went back the ladder but wasn't paying attention and we fell.

"Whoa!" I said. "I got you!" said Ryder. Ryder caught us. "Thanks Ryder," I said and licked him. "You're welcome Marshall," he said putting me down. The girl came over to us and the cat jumped into her arms. "Lulu! Thank you so much puppy for saving Lulu!" she said.

"No problem, whenever you're in trouble just yelp for help!" we said and left. We ended up walking by where the airplane race was held and saw they were gonna have another one soon. "Aw man, I'll never be in the race if I don't learn!" said a little boy.

Skye POV

We went up to the little boy.

"Are you okay little boy?" asked Ryder. "No but who are you?" he asked. "I'm Ryder and these are my pups, Skye, Rocky, Chase, Zuma, and Marshall," said Ryder. "I'm Tyler," said the boy. "Okay, so what's wrong Tyler?" asked Chase.

"I really want to be in the next race but I don't know how to fly a plane," he said and sighed. "Cheer up! I'm pretty sure Skye wouldn't mind teaching you, would you Skye?" asked Ryder. "Nope, let's take it high to the sky!" I said doing a flip.

"Thank you!" said the boy. I got into his plane with him and buckled up. "You want to make sure you're buckled in first," I said. "Okay flick these levers up to start it," I said pointing at the levers and he flicked them.

"Great now grab the steering wheel, step on the gas and go up," I said. He did exactly what I said and I told the pups we'll be back later.

We were now in the sky soaring. "So just tilt the steering wheel the way you want to go," I said. "Like this?" he asked titling the wheel make us go left. "Yes!" I said. I then taught him what the other buttons mean, some tricks, and everything he needed to know about the race.

We came back to where Ryder and the rest of the pups were and landed. I unbuckled and hopped out as the others came up to us. "So? How was it?" asked Rocky. "It was fun! Thanks a lot Skye!" said Tyler and he pet me.

"You're welcome, whenever you're in trouble just yelp for help!" I said. "I'll keep that in mind but bye for now, I'm gonna keep practicing!" said Tyler. "Good and bye!" we all said and left. We all went and took a break at the park. Ryder then got a phone call from his mom saying that her friends needed help at the aquarium.

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