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The light that the flashlight produces fades away as I am tugged deeper into the darkness.

I wail, but it is muffled from the aqua the surrounds me. I attempt to unlock my leg, from the monster's jaws, by thrashing it in every possible direction. I punch the shark's tough nostrils. The shark looses its attachment, but a sharp fang still clings to my teared jeans. I listen to the pattern of my heart beat in my eardrums. My breath slowly vanishes from my lungs. Adrenaline flows through my veins. I receive a second wind. I strike my leg to the right, then left, and return back to the right. My pant leg rips off from my limb. I power through the water, towards the stars that sparkle in the night's sky. When I reach the surface, I gulp down the fresh air. It burns, but creates a soft vibe of satisfaction. Tobias paddles over, and heaves me into the raft. I breath heavily and hasty. I glance at Tobias. He stares at me in content. He shakes his head, and thrives a pointing finger at my hand, laughing. I follow  his finger, and discover my hand clutching the packet of dried apples. I giggle. My appetite has evaporated due to the horror I just experienced. The breeze sends a shiver down my spine. My teeth chatter. Tobias crawls next to me, and wraps his sweater jacket around my arms. I accept it, but say through my chatters, " Won't you be cold?"

He shakes his head.

I watch the ocean. The water ripples from the slightest movements. I observe the diverse colors, and sizes of fish. The shark places itself below us. The ocean suddenly frightens me.

I slide away from the side of the raft, and lie my body down in the center of it. Tobias follows my actions, and shifts his body, so his back lies flatly on the floor. He scoots his hand near mine. I don't object. He proceeds, and squeezes my fingers, trying to comfort me. The tips of my fingers vibrate with emotions that he signals. My heart flutters. My insides flip with delight. His touch offers me safety. I slam my eyelids close, accepting the calmness and warmth flowing off him. I sleep marvelous that night.

----------- Author's Note----------

Thank you guys for reading my book! I love you all! I would like to give a shout out to my best friend Makena Rae. USERNAME: k_e_n_a

She is writing OneandAMillion. (A Nash Grier Fan Fiction).

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