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The question zooms around my brainpan. My stomach tumbles when I ask myself, Will we survive?

Our sources have vanished. Tobias and I inhaled the remaining dried apple chips, and licked the canteen dry. The clouds still cling to their hidden vacation, giving freedom to our enemy known as the sun. The sun towers above us, soaking up our fluids.

Tobias and I hibernate as we get whipped by the rays of heat and light. We doze off at nightfall, too. We are famished from not consuming nutrients that are needed. We rest the following days, always heavier with exhaustion.


I wake with a startle. Thunder and lightning battle each other in the midnight sky. I raise my arms above my skull, and shriek with pleasure. I pop my mouth open, cool rain water slithers down my throat. I shudder with happiness. I crawl down to Tobias. He is pale with red spots marking his skin. I sigh, and shimmer him awake. He grumbles.

I whisper, "Tobias, it is sprinkling out."

He filters my words, and tilts his head to the sky, mouth agape.

I wobble over to the pocket that contains the canteen. I unlatch the cap to the canteen, and place the bottle on the smoothest ground on the raft.

The storm carries on until dawn, packing layers of rainwater onto the raft. Tobias and I swallow most of it, hydrating our system. Although, we moistened our body with gallons of fresh water, our stomachs pain from the nutrition loss. With the confidence I behold, I attempt to make a fishing line.

------------Author's Note-----------

Thank you guys so much for reading! I will update frequently this week! I would like to give a shout out to one of my readers!


They voted and commented on my story. Thank you :)

Remember to... Vote and Comment! If you do, I'll reward you with a shout out in the following chapters :)

Love you all!


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