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Beads of sweat trickle down my neck. The sun beats down on the raft showing no mercy. The clouds hide from the boiling temperatures.

My skin feels like sand paper, dry and prickly. The sun rose high at dawn, giving the sun a chance to bake my skin, which now peels at the slightest motion. My body resembles a bright red tomato.

Tobias looks more diseased every passing minute. His face blazes with feverishness, and colors itself white. His body has produced a rash. The rash contains tiny pimples that leak out colorless puss. He claims its from the salt water. My instinct states different.

We have been drifting along the oceans current for the last two days. The same activities cycle through.

Eat one dried apple chip.

Sip from canteen that holds raindrops.

Rest from daily events.

Today is different. When we woke, our water supply had disintegrated, and the apple crisp had fallen drastically low. We could survive longer without inhaling food than water. We both suspected that.


As the final hours of daylight dull there way into darkness, and the stars hover over me, I pray. I pray for the necessities that I require, and for the discovery of an island that treats me fairly, and provides medicines and foods. I request a proper shelter that hides rows of feathered mattresses that own beautiful, stained quilts, and pillows. I give my heart to that prayer.

Tobias peeks at me. My fingers are intertwined. My head reaches to the sky. I produce a faint whispering sound, my quotes call to God.

I rumble my throat, and soak my dehydrated lips, " What do you crave for?"

He considers the question. He glances at the stars that chase each other around, and smiles.

"I don't know," he mumbles, "I hope we sail to an island. I hope we continue to be safe. I hope..."

He pauses. I hobble over to him, and kneel parallel to him. I lace our hands.

"What else?" I ask.

His hazel eyes transform to a dreadful color. My heart thumps, unsure of his theorization.

"I hope we survive."

-----------Author's Note------------

Thank you, all of you, for reading! Seriously, I love you all! Please share words to your friends about my book!



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