Sneaking (I)

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"When they come, you pull that rope as tight as you can okay?" Luc asked, bead of sweat leaking down the side of his face.

River pressed her lips together and nodded once.

Luc took a deep breath and leaned against the wall, fingers tightening around the fishing rod he held in his hands. He hadn't wanted it to come to this. But with what had happened two nights ago, this disaster was unavoidable.

"Can we really do this?" River asked, tears in her eyes.

"Yes," Luc replied. "We can do anything we put our minds long as we believe in ourselves!"

River smiled sadly. "If this is the end...a lady like me wishes that someone more gentlemanly had found her."

"I wish I had never found you," Luc said in response.

They were interrupted by the footsteps of their impending doom. Luc gulped and tried to keep his arms steady. He had heard two sets of footsteps. It was them for sure.

"Ready?" Luc mouthed at River.

River nodded once.

Luc hoped that they would give up once they found that the door was locked. But deep in his mind he knew that those types of hopes were only for dreamers and idealists. If they found the door locked, they would be barging in. And that's when Luc and River would strike.

Three loud knocks sounded against the door, each one bringing Luc's bladder closer and closer to exploding. Frick. He should have taken a leak before.

There was a long pause as their enemies sat outside the door and waited. After several moments, there were three more knocks. This time the knocks were no longer patient. They were rushed together, with no fixed rhythm. This was bad. Luc could sense the anger judging by the pitches of the knocks.

Luc and River waited patiently. Well, River waited patiently while Luc repeatedly wiped his hands on his tunic and tried to blink the tears out of his eyes.

Finally, the intruders gave up on knocking. Luc heard one of them grasp the handle of the door and begin to slide it to the side. But instead of the lock holding the door closed, a beam of sunlight alighted upon the floor as the door began to open.

Shit! Luc thought. I forgot to lock the door!

River was staring at him, eyes wide open with anger.

Luc gave her a sad smile in response. It was bound to happen anyways. Now the only thing could rely on was each other.

The door opened and the first intruder stepped forth. River immediately yanked the rope taut. The knot wrapped around the leg of the table on the other side of the door immediately came undone. River crashed to the floor onto her back.

Shit! Luc thought. I used the wrong kind of knot!

So now it was all up to him. As soon as the intruder's head poked into the building, Luc released a guttural roar and leaped into the air, bringing the fishing pole over his head and into the sky.

The tip of the fishing rod smashed into the ceiling and got caught in between the wooden beams of the roof. Luc's sweaty palms immediately slipped off the handle of the fishing rod and he found himself falling onto the ground as well.

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