A Fisherman's Most Important Possession (III)

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Luc woke with his arms bound behind his back. He groggily turned his head to glance at his surroundings. He was lying on the little island of trash, beside Oren Tao, River, and San. All of them were in the same situation that he was in, bound and unable to escape.

"What should we do with them?" a voice asked. Luc turned to watch the group of people. There were five of them now. They must've had two of them hiding behind the mounds of trash waiting to ambush.

"Why am I here?" Oren Tao moaned against the floor. "I should've jumped off that cliff when I had the chance."

The Yao Grass seemed to be wearing off of Oren Tao. He was back to his usual mopey self.

"They're awake," said the only woman in the group. She adjusted her wire frame spectacles and shot Luc a dirty look. "Get ready to interrogate them."

Luc's heart began to race. What was this? What did these people want from him? He would give them anything they wanted as long as they didn't torture him.

"Start with the young," instructed the woman. "They will break easier."

Luc heaved a sigh of relief. It was kind of like when he tried to ask a girl on a date. He would ask the question and already know the answer beforehand. But still, he would feel nervous until she gave the actual denial. The relief of having the denial confirmed was the relief that Luc felt now. Sort of a bittersweet one.

One of the goons stepped forward and reached down for River. She lashed out with her mouth like a snake, nearly tearing a chunk of flesh out of the man's arm. He leaped back, whimpering in fright.

"What are you doing?" the blond woman snapped. "Get her Pearl!"

Luc almost vomited. Well, he was about done for. He obviously didn't have a Pearl, but these monsters wouldn't believe him. The torture would be brutal and endless.

"I'm scared," the goon whispered to the woman.

"Fine," said the woman. "Start with that bastard lying on his face."

The goon grabbed Oren Tao by the scruff of his neck and lifted him off the ground. The woman and the rest of the goons gathered around him.

"To start, we will ask you nicely," said the blond woman. "Where is your Pearl?"

Oren Tao looked up with a haunting smile on his face. "Kill me. End it."

The woman's brow wrinkled with confusion. "What?"

"It will save us all time," Oren Tao murmured, smiling at his own genius. "You help me leave this forsaken world and you can take my Pearl from my dead body."

The goons began exchanging frightened looks among each other.

"Very well," said the woman. "Save him for last. We have already broken him. Bring me that kid with the bad haircut."

The goons hauled Oren Tao back to his spot and grabbed Luc by the arms. His breath quickened and his heart began maniacally jumping in his chest. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

"Same question," said the woman. "Where is your Pearl?"

"I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-d-on't h-have one," Luc stammered.

"What?" the woman asked.

Luc tried his best to calm himself but was simply not physically or mentally capable to do so. "I-I-I d-don't h-h-h-h-have one," he repeated.

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