Nightmare (Envy x reader)

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Envy P.O.V

Father threw me against the wall. Every muscle was in deep pain. I looked at him horrified.
"F-Father, please stop", I begged. My wounds quickly regenerated.
" Silence brat!! This is what happens when you get involved with humans. I glared.
"Damn you", I growled. He hit me with a shock of lighting and I screamed in pain. Then he rubbed his beard.
" Perhaps I should go kill the human myself", he insisted. My eyes widened. No, not (y/n). I struggled to get up but Father just kicked me back down.
"Father please, I promise to stay loyal but don't hurt her, I beg you", I called out. Father shook his and walked away. I called the bastard's name over and over until I fell into unconsciousness.

I sat up panting hard. I could feel tears threatening to come out. I looked at the clock. It was only 2 am. I looked over to the other side of my bed, seeing (y/n), sleeping peacefully and unharmed. I wiped my eyes, feeling relieved. I scowled.
" Stupid nightmare, messing with my damn head", I muttered. I still can't believe she loves me. I'm a homunculus for crying out loud. I've done awful things, yet this human loves me.
"Why?", I said weakly to myself. (y/n) must've heard me cause yawned and slowly sat up.
" Envy?", he said tired.
When she saw my face her expression turned to concern.
"Envy, are you ok?", she asked. I looked away and didn't answer. Then (y/n) came up to me and cupped my face in her hands.
" Envy, tell me what's wrong?", she said softly.
I took a deep breath and explained my nightmare to her. The tears came back but I held in.
"(y/n), I don't wanna lose you, y-you mean everything to me", I said choked up. (y/n), stroked my cheek with one finger.
" Baby, come here", she cooed. She pulled me into a tight hug.
"Envy, I'm not going anywhere. I always stay by your side", she stated. I couldn't hold them anymore and the tears streamed down my cheeks. She stroked my hair as I buried myself against her chest.
" (y/n)", I said weakly. Dammit, sometimes I hated having emotions. I let out one whimper then remained silent. After a bit I pulled back. I wiped my eyes and sniffled.
"Envy, you ok?", she asked. I gave a small smile and nodded.
"Yeah, much better. Thanks to you (y/n)", I replied. We got under the covers and cuddled. I slept peacefully throughout the rest of the night.

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