Yandere Ling x reader

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You were walking home to your house at night. Today was hard for you. Nothing went your way.
And it only got worse. As you passed a nearby bar a drunk guy came out and grabbed you.

He pointed a gun to your head.
"One move and your dead bitch", he threatened. You froze with fear. Was this man really gonna kill you.

Tears welled up in your eyes at the thought of it.
" No, please don't kill me", you begged.
"Why?! What do you have to live for?", the man yelled. Your eyes widened. He was right.

Today you lost your favorite job, and your best friend. What else was there?
" Its true. I guess it doesn't matter", you said weakly. The man was about to shoot you till he suddenly stopped.

You looked over to see a sword impaled through the man's chest. As the sword was taken over the man fell over dead and the killer was revealed.
It was a young, handsome Xing man with black hair tied in a ponytail.

The Xing man glared down at the corpse.
"No one touches my Empress", he hissed. You were shocked at this man's actions and passed out.

When you woke up you were in a bedroom with the man who saved you. You sat up and approached him with caution.
" Excuse me but, who are you?", you asked.

"My name is Ling Yao, the twelfth son of the Emperor of Xing. Its nice to finally meet you in person (y/n)", he stated. You gasped.

" How do you know who I am?", you asked panicked.
"I know everything about you (y/n). Everything from your favorite color to where you go and when", he admitted.

You were terrified now.
" How? This can't be happening", you said.

"Please, before you panic let me explain", he begged. You were hesitant but nodded. Ling sighed.

" (Y/n), from the moment I first saw you I instantly fell in love. So yes I watched you every day. Sometimes at night. I want to make you my Empress", he stated.

"Why would I agree to do that?", you ask.
" Because, I know you've lost many things lately, things that you loved", he said. Your eyes teared up at understanding what he meant.

He caught you off guard as you were pulled into an embrace.
"I wish to love you like no one ever has. Please, become my Empress. I'll make you so happy I promise", he assured.

A light blush came across your cheeks and you smiled. Maybe you should take the chance.
You hugged him back.
" Okay, I'll be your Empress Ling", you whispered in his ears. Ling smiled.
"I promise no one will hurt you ever again", he stated.

He brought you in and kissed your lips. You kissed back. After what felt like only seconds he pulled back.

" I'll make us a meal to celebrate ", he said. With that he left the room. You sat on the bed. Its only been seconds and you wanted him.

" Please hurry, Ling", you moaned.

So this was requested by StablymaveMehidpil. I hope you liked it Mavey. Love you and my readers!!

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