Envy x Depressed reader

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(Y/n) POV

I ran all the way home, tears streaming down my cheeks. Normally school was great for me, but this was the worse day ever. The moment the last bell rang I was outta there.

I slammed the front door coming in.
"(Y/n), is that you?" It was Envy, my boyfriend. I've been living with him for awhile now since my parents were away on travels.

I bolted upstairs before he could see me and ran into my bedroom.

Envy's POV

I was just sitting on the couch watching TV when (y/n) came home. I heard her run upstairs and another door shut.
Curious I went and followed her.

I knocked on her door.
"Hey, you in there?", I asked. No reply.
" (y/n), you ok?", I asked. Still no answer. I shrugged and was about to leave but then I heard crying.

I instantly became worried. I turned around and went in the room.

(Y/n)'s POV
I sat on my bed, hugging my favorite teddy bear and cried. Envy called out to me but I ignored him.
Soon after he let himself in. He came over and sat next to me.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?", he asked. I nodded.
" Do you wanna talk about it?", he asked. I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"Well, there was this new girl in school. She seemed nice at first but then at the end of the day, she kept saying my parents didn't really love me.....because of h-how much t-they t-travel. She says the reason they leave so often  i-is to g-get away from me"

The tears came back faster this time. Envy pulled me in a tight hug.
"(Y/n), you know that isn't true", he said. I nodded.
" I know, but what she said, it really hurt me Envy", I said weakly.

I buried my face against his chest. Envy rubbed my back soothingly.
"Its alright, just cry it out baby", he cooed. I sobbed loudly while he rocked me, cradled me in his arms.

His comfort was the best. It was part of the reason why I loved him. I cried a bit more and he stroked my hair.
" Sshh sh sh, I've got it you. Everything's gonna be okay", he assured.

After a bit I finally stopped crying and pulled back.
"You feel better?", he asked. I nodded.
" Thanks Envy", I said.
"Anything for my girl" he said. I wiped my eyes.

"God I probably look like a wreck huh" I said. Envy kissed my lips lightly.
"Don't worry, its nothing a movie can't fix", he stated. I smiled.
" Can I pick it?", I asked. Envy nodded.

We got it set up but before we started he looked at me seriously.
"Listen, if someone messes with you again let me know and I'll beat their ass", he stated.
You giggled.

" Thanks Envy, I love you", I said. Envy smiled.
"Love you too", he replied. After that we watched our movie in peace.

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