Edward x Sad Envy part 3

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Last part!! Enjoy!!

Envy P.O.V

"Edward?" I stared at the pipsqueak in confusion. I looked away.
"What do you want?", I asked.
" I came to see if you were alright?", Edward replied. I looked at him shocked.
"I'm surprised you even care", I stated. I stood up and glared at him.
" All this time, when people knock me down, insult me, and treat me like a villain, you were there. And you always seemed to stand up for me. I mean hell, you stopped me from committing suicide. Either there's something wrong with you're head or this is some cruel joke. Which is it?"
Edward walked up closer to me.
"None of the above", he replied. I looked at him confused.
"Then...why?", I asked. I suddenly felt his strong arms pull me in a tight hug.
" I know its been hard for you. With Mustang constantly being a jerk, trust me, I feel your pain there. It especially has to be hard, being the last of your kind. I know you try to hide it, but I can see the pain you keep inside", he explained. My eyes widened and filled with tears.
"Envy, I promise, you won't be alone as long as I'm here", Edward assured. The tears streamed down my cheeks. I hugged back tightly.
" E-E-Edward", I said weakly. I cried into his shoulder, not wanting to let go. I've never shown vulnerability to anyone, so why show it to him?
At the moment I didn't care. As I cried Edward rubbed my back comfortly, whispering sweet things in my ear.
"E-Edward...I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry", I sobbed.
" Ssshh, don't apologize, its ok", he assured. Finally the sobs subsided. I pulled back a bit, looking at Ed in the eyes.
Edward gave a warm smile, wiping the tears off my face.
"Envy", he said.
" Y-Yes?", I replied. He came closer, planting his soft lips on mine. I kissed back. Then Edward pulled away.
"I love you", he stated. I gave a small smile.
" I love you too, pipsqueak ", I replied. I wiped my eyes and we went back inside.

Edward dragged me to Roy's office. Roy looked at, eyes full of guilt. Shit, I hope he can't tell I was crying.
Roy walked up to me.
" Envy, I'm sorry", he said flatly. My eyes widened.
"I've been thinking it over, and I realize I've been cruel to you. My hatred got the best of me and I said things I shouldn't have said. I'm sorry."
I smiled."Don't worry about but, I appreciate the apology. Thank you", I said. Roy smiled.
I got tired so Ed took me to his hotel room.
I wanted to ask him something but felt nervous.
"Um..Ed", I said.
" Yeah?", he said.
"Um...would you mind, if I slept with you tonight?", I asked. I could feel my face getting red. Edward smiled. He dragged me into his room and on the bed. I snuggled closer as he pulled the covers over us.
" Goodnight Envy"
"Night pipsqueak"
I now understood why I was so happy around him, I loved him.

Okay, hope this was a cute one shot. If not, sorry you had to suffer. Love my readers!!

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