Ling x reader fluff

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This one goes out to StablymaveMehidpil. Enjoy girl!!

It was a peaceful day. You could hear raindrops fall as you look out the window. Looking at the rain made you feel all calm inside.
Suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you.

"Hey Ling", you said. Ling smirked.
" Hello, my Empress", he replied. Ling was gonna be the Emperor of Xing and you promised to be his Empress. You still had stuff to do in Amestris so he said he'd wait patiently.
"Enjoying the rain my dear?", he asks. You nod.
" I love the rain. Its so nice", you stated. Suddenly a loud noise interrupted the mood. Ling's face turns red.
"Hehe, um..(y/n) could you cook something for dinner tonight?", he asks nervously. You giggled.
"Of course babe", you reply. You kiss his cheek then go into the kitchen. You cooked your best meal, lasagna. Once it was finished you served and got yourself some.
Ling took a bite and smiled.
" Damn, this is good. Of course, as expected from my lovely (y/n)", he chimed. You laughed.
Ling always made you laugh and smile. It was one of his best qualities.
After dinner you got tired and you 2 decided to head to bed.

You wore your (f/c) pajamas and got under the covers with Ling. Snuggling against him. You smiled. As you looked up to say goodnight you noticed a slight frown on his face.
"Babe, you ok?", you asked.
" Its nothing, don't worry about it", he said. You pouted, knowing he was lying. You sat up and looked at him seriously.
"Ling, tell me what's up", you said. Ling sighed.
" I don't know. I guess...I'm scared. When I do become Emperor I want to be a good one", he explained. Your expression softened and you held his hand.
"Ling, don't be scared ok. You'll be a great Emperor, the best even. And I'll be there to help you as your Empress", you assured.
Ling looked at you and smiled. Then he kissed your lips. When the 2 of you pulled back, he whispered in your ear," Thank you (y/n)".
You snuggled closely under the covers and fell asleep happily.

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