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MALEA AND HOLLAND MANAGED TO GO BY SUCCESSFULLY, they had made it inside the compound and had continued to be discreet.


     They both thought they would be able to make it to Tony without attracting any unwanted attention, however the voice they had heard threw all those hopes in the trash.

     Slowly they turned around, as if it would somehow affect the fact that they had been caught against their will. Once they had turned around, they had grown face-to-face with none other than Natasha Romanoff, the Avenger they had once gotten to know.

"Nat?" Lea's eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

Natasha chuckled. "I work here, remember? Besides, I think the more appropriate question is what are you two doing here?"

* * *

"TO GET THIS CLEAR, you guys travelled all this way in order to make Tony re-think the possibility of the Accords in order to prevent breaking the peace between Steve and Tony?" Nat gathered, her lips dragging on the edge of her mug of coffee. She had managed to coax the girls into her room within the Compound, just to make sure they don't get found. Yet. As much as the assassin knew Tony was going to find out about their whereabouts as well as motives, it didn't stop Nat from giving up her skills of hospitality.

"Right and right." Holland confirmed, as her mouth made a crunching noise at the biscuit she sunk her teeth in post-speaking.

"As much of a great and kind-hearted motive it is that you guys have, it was kind of pointless coming here. Tony has made up his mind, and I think you guys know that too," Natasha sighed. "It was great seeing you guys again."

"I guess we were too late." Holland admitted. "But that won't stop me from talking to him."

Nat smiled. "You have the exact resilience as your mother, as well as the stubbornness of your father."

"Too right about that." Malea spoke up.

"And even if Dad doesn't change his mind, I will support him. He is my father after all, and I should respect him." said Holland.

"That's the spirit." Lea smiled. She turned to the redhead. "H-how is Steve? I heard about Peggy's death on the news."

Nat shook her head. "He's holding strong, but I know deep down he just wants to curl up in a ball and cry his heart out. The guy has been through a lot, and I understand why he doesn't want to sign the Accords. But I also understand why Tony does."

Natasha then, in the motive of wanting to avert the topic, asked, "How exactly did you girls get here?"

"I got F.R.I.D.A.Y to schedule a flight with one of Tony's jets. We also booked a hotel not far from here." Holland replied.

"Do you know who exactly flew you here? I may know them -- you have no idea how many times Tony has sent me on missions that involve flying around the world."

"Yeah, we do." came from Malea. "His name was Alex Evans. British." She also added, "He also has a fondness of flirting with Holland."

Just as Nat cocked an eyebrow at Holland, the latter directed her death stare at the her adopted sister.

"Flirting, huh?" Nat grinned, slightly hiding the playful look with her mug of coffee.

"Mal, I swear I am so gonna kill you for this." Holland threatened. Lea grinned in return.

A chuckle escaped from the mouth of Natasha. "Relax, Holly. I've flown with the guy before. Besides, you guys would be quite cute." She winked.

"By any chance, did you tell F.R.I.D.A.Y to not tell Tony about your sudden trip?" Nat asked.

Holland gave an obvious look. "Of course we did."

"You do realise how pointless that was?"

A look of curiosity struck Malea. "How come?"

"With or without the heads-up of F.R.I.D.A.Y, Tony does get notified of any new jets flying without his consent. I'm sorry, but this was a foolish attempt. And I can speak for myself too -- it's gonna be a story for another time, though."

"Are you serious?" Holland raised an eyebrow, feeling foolish.

"She sure is."

* * *

cLIFFHANGER!!! who do you think it is? tell me in the comments!!!

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