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"HEY EVERYONE." Malea could feel the smug grin on Peter's face as he greeted the crowd, the stolen shield of Captain America latched comfortably onto his arm.

"Nice job, kid." Tony replied.

"You've been busy." Steve said, a hint of arrogance that both he and Tony shared evident in his tone.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep–" Tony, realising how his voice was raising slightly, brought his hand down to calm his attitude. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed."

Tony three his hands up, giving up. "Alright. We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us."

Steve, discarding Tony's words, held his radio to an ear and listened to the message before mumbling something back that none of them could hear. Clint shot the web off the shield with a single arrow. Peter had started moving around, noticing something was happening to the shield (which wasn't the previous event).

"Hey guys, something.." Before Peter continued, Malea's perspective changed to the shield and a man sprouting from it, wearing a suit. The shield was no longer in Spider-Man's hand, but in the arm of this new man, or whatever he was.

     "Whoa, what- what the hell was that?" War Machine asked, while everyone else was also questioning their recent sight.

The man in the suit that had snatched the shield off Peter handed it back to Steve. "I believe this is yours, Captain America."

Tony sighed, fed up, turning towards his team. "Oh great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff. I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?"

Rhodey nodded, "There's two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes."

"We can take them," Holland spoke up, gesturing to Malea beside her. The two girls began to break into a jog on the way to the terminal, managing to spot the two known as Winter Soldier and Falcon. Before they reached it though, Peter swung right past them, on a zip line made of web fluid. Just as the two of them reached the inside of the terminal, they could hear an echoing conversation happening between Falcon and Winter Soldier– the subject obviously being the kid in the red spandex swinging by them along a web.

"What the hell is that?"

"Everyone's got a gimmick now."

The girls finally managed to confront Falcon and Winter Soldier, as they stood facing towards them.

Without any words being spoken, the physicality's has begun– Peter had already swung through, kicking Falcon back and was about to punch Winter Soldier, but not before Malea shot some fire in between him and Peter, trying to prevent Peter getting attacked. It was a futile attempt, but it gave Peter more time.

     It wasn't long until Bucky found his way back to Peter- he went to give the boy in the red spandex, who caught the punch with force, and marvelled at the sight of his metallic arm- "You have a metal arm?! That is awesome, dude!"

     Malea rolled her eyes, using her telekinesis to throw a bunch of luggage trolleys at Falcon who'd managed to dodge them. In turn, he shot something towards her and Holland shot an arrow at it so that instead of hitting Malea, it glides across and got stuck to a beam.

"Thanks," Malea said.

Peter turned towards Malea and Holland, "Hey— you guys—can go, I got this," he spoke barely, as he was trying to fight off against Bucky's force. "—Oh god," he mumbled under his breath as Bucky had thrown a random yet huge object at him, which he caught and launched back it him, "Hey buddy, I think you lost this!"

Falcon had then gone to flying in and kicking Peter off his beam, and before Malea or Holland could provide any assistance, Peter regained his balance and shot Falcon down with a big web.

"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Falcon asked, dumbfounded.

"Well, that would explain the rigidity-flexibility ration which, gotta say man, is pretty awesome."

The way he spoke, Falcon was beginning to lose patience, "I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking."

"Alright sorry, my bad." Peter returned sarcastically, jumping down and dodging them throwing Winter Soldier on top of Falcon so they would fall through the glass onto the next floor and before they could move, Peter webbed them down.

"See, I told you I had them!" Peter said to Malea, who still looked in disbelief at what Peter had accomplished on his own.

He then looked back down at Winter Soldier and Falcon who were struggling to get out of the webbing: "Guys, look. I'd keep this up but I've only got one job and I gotta impress Mr Stark so, I'm so—" Before he could finish his commentary, Peter let out a wail as he got dragged through the glass wall by Falcon's mini-jet.

     Malea and Holland rolled their eyes as jogged outside to the landing port, where everyone stood. They stood to face Peter who was sprawled across the hard concrete. "Thought you had them?" Malea said, a snigger escaping her mouth.

     "Ha-ha, nice one." He replied sarcastically, mimicking laughter as he took the hand Malea has outstretched and picked himself up.

     Everyone was gathering around as Vision began to speak, on behalf of the rest of Tony's team: "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."

     Ignoring Vision's words, Falcon asked Steve, "What do we do, Cap?"

     Steve answered with defiance, "We fight back."

     "This is gonna end well," Natasha answered ambiguously with some sarcasm. Now, everyone was advancing towards each other from both parties, determined to end the fight that had been started.

     "They're not stopping.." Peter spoke with his voice on edge, moving with the rest.

     "Neither are we." Tony replied with sheer contempt in his voice, as they all clashed finally after what seemed an eternity of slow movement.


omg guys I am literally the worst human ever I am so so so so so sorry I haven't updated this in a year...

Honestly words can't explain how bad I feel, there's been so many comments about the next chapter and I'm so sorry for leaving you guys like this :(((

— saar

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